Chinese /ˌtʃai'ni:z/ 包含了普通话、广东话、上海话等等所有类型的“中文”,是涵盖最广的说法。 Mandarin /ˈmændərɪn/ 标准普通话,即中国大陆所用官方语言和文字系统。 外国人在谈到或学习中文时,往往会强调自己所说的是Mandarin,而不...
Chinese DefinitionIndividual words translate as: common. 公共的;共同的;普通的;一般的平民;公地;众议院;下院 fig. 无花果;一点;少许;不值钱的东西;服装;打扮;装饰健康状况 YellowTip is enabled in the first 2 sentences. To enable in the rest, pleasesign-in. ...
Short phrases are parsed and the individual words translated. Bilingual thesaurus provides synonyms, antonyms, and more! Example sentences for both Chinese and English searches. Sample result page for Chinese or English search.» more…Why choose us? True Chinese-English and English-Chinese dictionar...
Chinese words are often composed of more than one character, so vocabulary lists of single characters can be deceiving. Learn the most common Mandarinwords, as opposed to individual characters, and learn how to speak the language. a Traditional: 啊 Simplified: 啊 Pinyin: a Meaning: Interjection ...
How do you learn Mandarin Chinese words fast? Learn Chinese Language and Culture Here are some of the related books/resources to learn Chinese language fast: Level 1: Chinese Reading Books (Chinese Short Story Series, 500+ characters) Level 1: Chinese Reading Books (Journey to the West Series...
Mandarin的意思是“国语;官话”,也就是我们的“普通话”。 与它拥有同样出镜率的是Cantonese[ˌkæntəˈni:z],也就是“广东话”“粤语”。 在老外的概念里,Chinese是包含中国的所有语言的,普通话、粤语、闽南语、客家话...
Learning Mandarin Chinese slang words will greatlyimprove your day-to-day communicationwith native speakers. Plus, you’ll be up to date withtrending Chinese pop culture, which is constantly changing. Here are52 Chineseslang words you’ll hear in conversations and online. ...
In the Chinese writing system, the characters are monosyllabic, each usually corresponding to a spoken syllable with a basic meaning. However, although Chinese words may be formed by characters with basic meanings, a majority of words in Mandarin Chinese require two or more characters to write (...
It stands out as the most dependable and widely utilized solution among all other language conversion tools to translate into English from Mandarin Chinese words. Our platform provides a straightforward and user-friendly approach to translating Mandarin Chinese word, sentence, and paragraph into English... Phrases in Sinitic languages Cantonese,Hakka,Mandarin,Shanghainese,Taiwanese,Teochew Phrases in other languages Chinese pages Spoken Chinese:Mandarin,Dungan,Wu,Shanghainese,Wenzhounese,Yue,Cantonese,Weitou,Min,Jian'ou...