Chinese-language Wikipedia presents different view of history IHT (International Herald Tribune) 关于中文维基的文章,连接如下:赞 回复 转发 赞 收藏 只看楼主 shizhao (德谟克拉西•赛因斯) 维基管理员 2006-11-30 19:52:29 明天的纽约时报也...
Post-European mankind speaks here from the pre-European depth, and if the language used is the one of all contemporary revolutionaries—Marxist terminology—it is only conducive to the fallacy Europe so easily succumbs to.… … What entitles us to expound the latest phase of the history of ...
In 2012, Zhemao began falsifying Russian history by editing existing articles on Czar Alexander I of Russia. Eventually, the user went on to fabricate stories about Russian history throughout Chinese Wikipedia. A fantasy novel...
1.1 早期历史 | Early history 1.2 当代移民 | Modern-day immigration 1.3 离开秘鲁 | Emigration 1.4 在经济中的角色 | Role in the economy 2. 知名人物 | Notable people 2.1 政商界人士 | Politics and business 2.2 娱乐界人士 | Entertainment 2.3 体育界人士 | Athletics 2.4 文化界人士 | Culture 2.5...
ELH (English Literary History) is an academic journal established in 1934 at Johns Hopkins University, devoted to the study of major works in the English language, particularly British literature. LASER-wikipedia2 1872年,在爱德华·策勒去往柏林这一段时期,费舍在接替他出任海德堡大学的哲学和当代德国...
East Turkestan Islamic Movement,East Turkistan Islamic Movement- a group of Uighur Muslims fighting Chinese control of Xinjiang; declared by China in 2001 to be terrorists although there is a long history of cycles of insurgency and repression ...
This dictionary provides both a necessary reference for earlier literature (including Sila's own History of Laos), as well as the first scholarly refernece to the dvelopment of the Lao language. Lao-English Lao-Eng Dictionary from the DaDaKo Usable Lao-Eng dictionary from the DaDaKo site. ...
Chinese languages/dialects constitute an independent branch of theSino-Tibetan language family. About one-fourth of the world’s population speaks some variety of Chinese as their native language. By the sheer number of its speakers, the antiquity of its unbroken documented written history, its cult...
Chinese- any of the Sino-Tibetan languages spoken in China; regarded as dialects of a single language (even though they are mutually unintelligible) because they share an ideographic writing system Sino-Tibetan,Sino-Tibetan language- the family of tonal languages spoken in eastern Asia ...
History of Mandarin ChineseFrom the time China became a nation state in 221 B.C. until the end of China’s last imperial dynasty in 1912, China did not have a single national language. Rather, the Chinese spoke many different languages and dialects that developed organically over the course ...