Names|Translation|Dictionaries|Language courses|Phrases|Language and linguistics|Language learning advice|Language learning resources|Language exchange|Endangered and minority languages|Writing systems|Sign languages|Fonts|News|Radio|Podcasts|Language jobs|Calligraphy|Bilingual and multilingual resources|Constructed lan...
Best search engine for Chinese language queries. Offers services beyond search, including music and news. Key for navigating life in China. Compare to other Chinese search engine, Baidu seized the top market in Chinese search engine. It is not only used in China, but also used in in Japan,...
Meeting Audience Needs: A Comparision Of Chinese-Language News Web SitesKu, Linlin
Foreigners confusing words and consonants. The English language has a lot of words that sound alike or look alike. Words like assent and accent look and sounds the familiar. But they have very different means. If you use the wrong word in a sentence, you will confuse you later. Therefore,...
Look for structured websites that can help you target your specific language weakness. Even broad, comprehensive language sites should be easy to navigate and offer different tools for different skills. A good websiteis cost-effective.That doesn’t always mean free—it just means that the price...
E-books have much to offer all Chinese language learners. In this post, we’ll go overeight websites you can use to find the best Chinese e-books. We’ll also cover reading recommendations, e-books specifically designed for learners and why digital reading is great for language learners. ...
Citizen Lab investigates the targeting of Chinese language news websites in a phishing attack that leveraged the NetWire remote access Trojan. A California-based news website covering China, called China Digital Times, was targeted in a spying campaign that involved phishing lures and the use of ...
There are more and more Chinese language Youtube channels popping up, covering a wide variety of interests and hobbies, and they make for a great learning resource. Here are a few of mine. Feel free to add your own. General life in China Channels: One of –sponsored by the Office of Chinese Language Council International of P.R China & EastChina Normal University (ECNU). They offer the E-Class for Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced learners, and also do a so-called Hanyu WebRadio which broadcast some teaching programs such as Ea...
founded on January 5, 1990, is a Chinese language newspaper published in US with Chinese name Qiao Bao. GB Only) a news web site located in Los Angles area of US. Sing Tao Daily (US Edition)(Chinese Big5 Only) ...