英文名称:Chinese Journal of Magnetic Resonance 报刊代号:38-313 统一刊号:CN42-1180/O4 刊期:季刊 报刊分类:期刊杂志 所属城市:湖北省 电子版官网:http://magres.wipm.ac.cn/ 手机版官网: 暂无 分享到:QQ空间微信新浪微博 期刊介绍我要编辑 《波谱学杂志》是国内磁共振波谱领域唯一的学术性期刊,由中国物理...
BOPUXUE ZAZHI' (Chinese Journal of Magnetic Resonance), is the official journal of Committee of Magnetic Resonance, Chinese Physics Society. It is the only Chinese academic journal dedicated to NMR spectroscopy in China. The journal seeks papers about no
Magnetic resonance imaging of the ligaments of the craniocervical region at 3Tesla magnetic resonance unit Quantitative and qual 星级: 9页 Magnetic Resonance - University of Michigan 星级: 34 页 Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 星级: 2页 城市安全-从汶川地震到北京...
文档标签: of 物理 OF 物理学 系统标签: 物理学 resonance magnetic chinese journal 郭晨雷 ChineseJournalofMagneticResonance2012年01期研究CTG和CCTG重复序列溶液结构的挑战(英文)林锡乐基于小波滤波的低场NMR纤维上油率检测新方法李新军张英力杨培强聂生东水驱油过程的核磁共振二维谱研究曲岩涛姜志敏史京生朱涛涛孟小海...
Roughly 9% of the known protein structures have been obtained by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques. 大约9%的已知蛋白质结构是通过核磁共振(NMR)技术来测定的。 LASER-wikipedia2 A nuclear magnetic resonance imaging system and imaging method. 一种核磁共振成像系统及成像方法。 patents-wip...
Evaluation of translation in the normal and dysplastic hip using three-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging and voxel-based registration. Osteoarthritis ... S Chegini,M Beck,SJ Ferguson - 《Journal of Orthopaedic Research》 被引量: 258发表: 2010年 T2 mapping of hip articular cartilage in healthy...
期刊名称:《Chinese Medical Journal》 | 2018年第24期 关键词: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Disease Progression Monitoring Value Multimodal Magnetic Resonance Imaging; 16.An Investigation and Suggestions for the Improvement of Brain Death Determination in China 机译:改进我国脑死亡测定方法的调查与建议 作...
Chinese Medical Journal 英文医学投稿需注意的事项 郝秀原 中华医学会 中华医学杂志英文版编辑部. Advertisements Similar presentations Presentation transcript:
Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) reference ranges have not been well established in Chinese. Here we determined normal cardiac and aortic reference ranges in healthy Singaporean Chinese and investigated how these data might affect clinical interpretation of CMR scans. Methods In 180 healthy Singapor...
Holland, G. N., Bottomley, P. A., Hinshaw, W. S.F-19 Magnetic-Resonance Imaging.Journal of Magnetic Resonance.28(1), 133-136 (1977). Partlow, K. C., Chen, J., Brant, J. A., Neubauer, A. M., Meyerrose, T. E.,et al.19F magnetic resonance imaging for stem/progenitor cell...