网络中国健康教育 网络释义 1. 中国健康教育 贵州城乡铁酱油社会营销干预研... ... 类实验研究 R15 TM6中国健康教育CHINESE JOURNAL OF HEALTH EDUCATION孙静 …|基于36个网页
1) Chinese Journal of Health Education 《中国健康教育》杂志 1. Retrospect and prospect: 20th anniversary of the founding ofChinese Journal of Health Education; 《中国健康教育》杂志创刊20周年回顾与展望 2) Chinese Journal of Health Education
1. Analysis of papers published in Chinese Journal of Health Education from 2000 to 2004; 2000~2004年《中国健康教育》杂志发表论文相关数据分析2) Chinese Journal of Health Education 《中国健康教育》杂志 1. Retrospect and prospect: 20th anniversary of the founding of Chinese Journal of Health ...
英文期刊名称为缩写,缩写使用方法:在 Word 的 Zotero 工具条上点击 Document preferences,选择Chinese Medical Association(numeric, Chinese后,点击 Use MEDLINE journal abbreviations 前的复选框,使之选中,则使用 MEDLINE 的缩写格式;如果这个缩写格式不适合,不要选中 Use MEDLINE journal abbreviations,在 Zotero 中...
Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment 期刊名缩写:CHIN J POPUL RESOUR 期刊ISSN:1004-2857 E-ISSN:2325-4262 2024年影响因子/JCR分区:0.0/N/A学科与分区:ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES - ESCI(N/A)出版国家或地区:出版周期:出版年份:0年文章数:40...
medical education, ethics, and research methodology. In addition, the journal publishes personal narratives that convey the feeling and the art of medicine. Annals of Internal Medicine has a large readership that includes the over 129,000 members of the American College of Physicians and many more...
Health emergency and disaster risk management (Health-EDRM) education intervention programs were implemented in 2010 and 2011. This serial cross-sectional survey study aimed to examine the immediate and long-term impacts of the Health-EDRM interventions in this remote rural community. The findings ...
medical education, ethics, and research methodology. In addition, the journal publishes personal narratives that convey the feeling and the art of medicine. Annals of Internal Medicine has a large readership that includes the over 129,000 members of the American College of Physicians and many more...
China. Physical education classes of two hours per week were mandatory for the first two years. Using mixed effects models, we quantify the within-subject effects of weight, muscular endurance, sex, and mandatory physical education courses, among other variables, on physical fitness total score. ...
AI论文写作 >> 开具论文收录证明 >> 页面导航 摘要 著录项 引文网络 相似文献 相关主题 摘要 目的 了解4个项目县艾滋病感染者家庭的基本需求,为制定预防进一步传播、促进感染者健康生存和生活的综合社区健康促进策略提供依据.方法 整群抽取患病家庭,然后按照一定的比例选取非患病家庭,采用联合国儿童基金会推荐的问卷...