web-based design, reverse engineering design, industrial design, design optimization, tribology, design by biological analogy, virtual reality in design, structural analysis and design, design knowledge representation, design knowledge management, design decision-making systems, etc. ...
Chinese Journal of Engineering Design, 2014, 21(1): 6-13. https://doi.org/10.3785/j.issn. 1006-754X.2014.01.002 Abstract( 866 ) HTML( 2 ) PDF(2320KB)( 743 ) Structural reliability-based optimization design with confidence level HE Xiang-dong,LIU Shu-tian,ZHANG Yi-min Chinese Jou...
Chinese Journal of Engineering Design, 2013, 20(6): 453-458. Abstract( 663 ) HTML( 0 ) PDF(4237KB)( 850 ) Research on the cognitive of the visual form for the product interaction design NIU Dong-Fang, XIE Li-Yang, DENG Ming, ZHONG Ying Chinese Journal of Engineering Design, 20...
Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering创刊于1988年,是由中国科学技术协会主管、中国工程机械学会主办的机械工程领域学术期刊。办刊历史 1988年,Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering创刊。办刊条件 人员编制 Editorial Board Members Ang Liu University of New South Wales, Australia Baoyan Duan Xidian...
Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering. 2024, 10 (2): 103-115. doi: 10.23919/CJEE.2024.000053 Abstract ( 230 ) PDF References | Related Articles | Metrics Design and Manufacture of Dual-gate DDSCR with High Failure Current and Holding Voltage* Xingtao Bao, Yang Wang, Yujie Liu, Xian...
The mechanical reliability and optimization theory on the method of reliability-optimization design for the new roller orientation clutch is provided. The result of reliability-optimization design is compared with the result of the conventional design method.Luo YixinDepartment of;Resources Engineering,...
● Describes poor experimental design, or faulty or insufficient statistical analysis ● Has poor language quality Publication is a difficult process, and you must be prepared to defend your submission against rejection from both editors and peer reviewers. However, do not be too persistent. Generally...
The publishing scopes ofCJMEfollow with: -Mechanismand Robotics,including but not limited to -- Innovative Mechanism Design -- Mechanical Transmission -- Robot Structure Design and Control -- Applications for Robotics (e.g., Industrial Robot, Medical Robot,Service Robot…) ...
The publishing scopes ofCJMEfollow with: Mechanism and Robotics,including but not limited to -- Innovative Mechanism Design -- Mechanical Transmission -- Robot Structure Design and Control -- Applications for Robotics (e.g., Industrial Robot, Medical Robot, Service Robot…) ...
“2022年度优秀论文”以《电气工程学报》《Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering》两刊2020年刊登的文章为参评对象,综合考虑论文创新性和同行评议意见,结合论文被引频次和下载频次等重要指标,经编辑部初选及编委会定审,最终评选出两刊“2022...