CJAS publishes theoretical and applied research papers on the atmospheric sciences and related fields of atmospheric physics/chemistry, climate systems, geophysics, etc. The journal is one of the Chinese academic journals of highest level in the field of atmospheric science research, covering the latest...
atmospheric sciences 研究大气的结构、组成、物理现象、化学反应、运动规律,以及如何运用这些规律为人类服务的一门学科。地球科学的一个组成部分。研究对象主要是覆盖地球的大气圈,以及太阳系其他行星的大气。 地球大气的运动非常复杂。地球的公转和自转以及自转轴的倾斜,产生了地球的昼夜交替和四季变化以及赤道热、两极冷...
Coronavirus 3C-like proteases (3CLpro), a class of cysteine hydrolases that are highly conserved in β-coronaviruses and play a critical role in viral replication, have been recognized as a crucial target for preventing and treating a range of coronavirus diseases including COVID-19. Recent ...
The generation of Chinese fonts has attracted much attention due to its wide range of applications such as artistic font generation, personalized font design, and calligraphy generation. The predominated Chinese font generation methods are mainly based on unpaired data and deep generative models such ...
2334 Journal of Geographical Sciences Figure 2 Sketch maps of climatic characteristics in China during the two typical periods. (a) Medieval Warm Period (MWP), and (b) Little Ice Age (LIA). Climatic characteristics are compiled with a sketch map of the pro- vincial-level administrative ...
|3|[mohuangrui/ucasthesis](https://github.com/mohuangrui/ucasthesis)|LaTeX Thesis Template for the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences |3230|2023-06-19| |4|[CTeX-org/lshort-zh-cn](https://github.com/CTeX-org/lshort-zh-cn)|A Chinese edition of the Not So Short Introductio...
The colossal telescope is designed to observe solar magnetic fields, solar and atmospheric microstructures, and solar flare energy cumulating.?The China Institute of Space Technology, a part of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has major components, including mainframe optic telescope, super ultraviolet ...
The University of Edinburgh. This protocol describes a microfabrication-compatible method for cell patterning on SiO2. A predefined parylene-C design is photolithographically printed on SiO2 wafers. Following incubation with serum (or other activation s
AI论文写作 >> 开具论文收录证明 >> 页面导航 摘要 著录项 相似文献 摘要 无 著录项 来源 《大气科学》|1986年第2期|164|共1页 作者 陈炎涓;吕乃平; 作者单位 无; 原文格式PDF 正文语种chi 中图分类 关键词 入库时间2023-07-25 18:50:36
EASM and EAWM indicate that the extreme climate and phenology have been significantly altered.%本文简要综述了关于东亚夏季风和冬季风近几十年来的主要变化特征的若干研究结果,特别是关于其年代际变化方面.夏季风及夏季气候的主要变化特征有:1970年代末之后东亚夏季风的年代际时间尺度的减弱以及相应的我国夏...