Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences (CJAS) publishes the latest achievements, developments, and reviews in the field of atmospheric sciences, including dynamic meteorology, synoptic meteorology, climatology, numerical weather prediction, atmospheric
CJAS publishes theoretical and applied research papers on the atmospheric sciences and related fields of atmospheric physics/chemistry, climate systems, geophysics, etc. The journal is one of the Chinese academic journals of highest level in the field of atmospheric science research, covering the latest...
东太平洋暖池气候平均海表温度存在明显的季节变化特征, 且与El Ni(n)o事件春季发生、夏季发展、秋季达到成熟及冬季衰亡的成长过程非常相似.经向风异常及其散度与ENSO事件密切相关.综合考虑, 提出了东太平洋暖池及经向风异常 (北风距平及经向风距平散度辐合) 对ENSO事件发生、发展...
利用徐州多普勒天气雷达、常规观测和地面加密观测资料, 对2005年7月30日发生在安徽北部的伴随强烈龙卷和暴雨的强降水超级单体风暴的环境条件和回波结构演变特...
2. The average value of L of SCC was 1129 m. Besides, the distribution of normalized cloud chore length agreed well with a power-law distribution.%本文根据不同类型云影响地面短波辐射的差异,提出利用地面短波总辐射变化检测识别淡积云以及计算淡积云水平尺度的方法,并对该算法进行误差分析,统计内蒙古...
摘要 Mesoscale convective system (MCS), including mesoscale convective complexe (MCC), permanent elongated convective system (PECS), meso-P-scale convective complexe (MpCC), and meso-P-scale PECS (MJ3PECS), over the lower reaches of the Yellow River during summer from 1996 to 2008...