Chinese-Journal-of-Laboratory-Animal-Science网络中国实验动物学杂志 网络释义 1. 中国实验动物学杂志 ..., 张绪斌(Zhang X B), 安赵栓(An Z S). 中国实验动物学杂志(Chinese Journal of Laboratory Animal Science), 2002, 12(6): 356…|基于4个网页©...
By accepting some or all optional cookies you give consent to the processing of your personal data, including transfer to third parties, some in countries outside of the European Economic Area that do not offer the same data protection standards as the country where you live. You can decide ...
211journal-of-plant-protection.csl 统一格式化样式 Dec 20, 2023 212journal-of-marketing-science.csl 修正text-case Dec 21, 2023 215international-economics-and-trade-research.csl 选取引用日期的年份作为估计的出版年 Dec 31, 2023 216acta-psychologica-sinica.csl 更新《心理科学进展》和《心理学报》样式 Fe...
Previous studies have been mostly focused on traits of high value in animal production, like meat and carcass quality in pigs, leading to their overrepresentation in the QTL database. To counter this bias, we used a bootstrap simulation via the R package GALLO v1.4 [40] for QTL enrichment ...
studies are completed, they are summarized and critiqued. Reviews of recent publications in other journals and original papers that focus on the clinical management of hypertension are featured. JCH is the official journal of the American Society of Hypertension, Inc. Science Citation Index Expanded ...
期刊封面封底目录下载 >> 摘要 cqvip:欧盟委员会的兽医专家于3月8日经投票表决,决定取消对英国活牛、牛肉和牛肉产品已实行10年之久的进口禁令。这一举措为增加欧盟市场上的牛肉供应铺平了道路,并可能降低食品加工商的价格。向市场投放更多牛肉以满足食品消费需求,这对欧盟市场具有重要意义。欧委会的一份预测报告称,...
According to four articles published in the journal Nature in late September,Chinese researchers found fish fossils that provide the "missing link" about the origin of the jaw (下颌),a key trait (特征) that 99.8 percent of vertebrate species (脊椎动物) have. ...
期刊封面封底目录下载 >> 页面导航 摘要 著录项 相似文献 相关主题 摘要 2017年《中国畜牧杂志》全面改版.为更好展示畜牧学领域的科技前沿,促进学术交流,本刊特别邀请不同领域的专家或青年骨干,围绕各自的研究领域,介绍自己、团队或国际研究机构近几年的研究成果、存在问题及研究展望,或就当前的研究热点问题进...
studies are completed, they are summarized and critiqued. Reviews of recent publications in other journals and original papers that focus on the clinical management of hypertension are featured. JCH is the official journal of the American Society of Hypertension, Inc. Science Citation Index Expanded ...
本文应用质粒pEGFP-Cl带有水母绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)基因和新霉素抗性基因(Neor)两种报告基因转染胎儿成纤维细胞,进行转染条件优化.首先,通过成活率确定转染脉冲时程和场强,发现有三种组合是最适的组合,它们分别为:时程5 ms,场强1.25~1.5 kV/cm;时程15 ms时,场强1.0~1.25 kV/cm;时程25 ms时,场强0.75~1.0 kV...