Navy, and Republic of Vietnam Air Force (VNAF) against the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam) from 2 March 1965 until 2 November 1968, during the Vietnam War. 滚雷行动(Operation Rolling Thunder)是由美国空军第2航空师(即后来的美國第七航空隊)、美国海军和越南共和國空軍(南越空軍)...
can be translated as Jiangshi or Chinese Vampire. Jiangshi is a type of zombie (“hoping zombie” to be particular) that is very common in Chinese legends and folklore. These type of reanimated corpses you can find in Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese and Indonesian mythology as...
Vietnam War n. A protracted military conflict (1954-1975) between South Vietnam, supported by United States forces, and Communist North Vietnam. The war resulted in a North Vietnamese victory and unification of Vietnam under Communist rule. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language...
一、China表示和中国有关的(强调国家概念) 这里的China是用一个名词来修饰另外一个名词,表示被修饰词的性质或者属性,就和apple juice的apple一样,只是说明这个juice的属性是apple. 还有越南战争Vietnam War表示这个war的性质是越南。 China trip 去中国的旅行 China team(中国团队,其中可以有外国人) China office(...
Mongolia’s Steppe Road plan, Indonesia’s Global Marine Fulcrum initiative, the Philippines’ Build Better More program, Vietnam’s Two Corridors and One Economic Circle plan, South Africa’s Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan, Egypt’s Suez Canal Corridor Project, and Saudi Arabia’s Visio...
In view of the cross-lingual correlation analysis of Chinese and Vietnamese bilingual news events,this paper studies the correlation analysis method of Chinese and Vietnamese bilingual news events,which is essentially a kind of multi-lingual and multi-text understanding issue.In this paper,we propo...
The second wave was Chinese refugees fleeing wars in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia in the 1970s. 第二波浪潮主要包括在20世纪70年代逃离越南、老挝和柬埔寨战争的中国难民。 The third wave came in the 80s and 90s consisting of ...
Cold War Africa Algeria Angola Benin Chad Congo Egypt Katanga Liberia Mali Rhodesia Somalia South Africa Sudan Tunisia Uganda Asia Cambodia China India Japan North Korea North Vietnam Pakistan Republic of China (Taiwan) Singapore Thailand Europe Belgium Bulgaria Cyprus Czechoslovakia Third Czechoslo...
warunek in Spanishwarunek in Frenchwarunek in Hindiwarunek in Indonesianwarunek in Italianwarunek Georgianwarunek in Lithuanianwarunek in Dutchwarunek in Norwegianwarunek in Portuguesewarunek in Romanianwarunek in Russianwarunek in Slovakwarunek in Swedishwarunek in Turkishwarunek in Vietnamese...
这里的China是用一个名词来修饰另外一个名词,表示被修饰词的性质或者属性,就和apple juice的apple一样,只是说明这个juice的属性是apple. 还有越南战争Vietnam War表示这个war的性质是越南。 China trip 去中国的旅行 China team(中国团队,其中可以有外国人) ...