to limit Chinese immigration and, in 1882, Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act, the first restriction on immigration imposed in the nation's history. The act suspended the immigration of Chinese laborers for ten years. In 1888, Congress passed the Scott Act, which prohibited Chinese ...
In the early 1900s Jews(犹太人) and Chinese were the two biggest immigration groups in America.They were also non-Christian(不信奉基督教的)groups. They did not celebrate Christmas. During the religious(宗教的) holidays and celebrations most of the restaurants are closed. The Chinese restaurants...
government took some 20million lives and caused such suffering that thousands of Chinese left for the United States.In the early 1860s,as the Central Pacific Railroad began construction of its portion of the transcontinental railroad,the demand for railroad workers further increased Chinese immigration...
It examines the impact of the U.S. immigration policies on Chinese female students in the United States from the late nineteenth century to the 1990s by studying both Chinese official policies on study abroad and the evolution of American immigration regulations. It also examines the various ...
James D. Phelan, the mayor of San Francisco at the time, was the creator and/or author of this source. He wrote this in order to bring attention to Chinese Immigration and Exclusion Laws and also the ways the Chinese people were racially discriminated against in the 1900’s. The intended...
EMIGRATION & immigration in ChinaCHINESE peopleWHITE Australia policyOPIUMIMMIGRANTSDEMOCRACYRACISMRACE relations in AustraliaThis article reassesses the debates around Chinese emigration into the Australian colonies before Federation in 1901. Drawing on the literature relating to the emergence of the Chinese ...
government took some 20million lives and caused such suffering that thousands of Chinese left for the United States.In the early 1860s,as the Central Pacific Railroad began construction of its portion of the transcontinental railroad,the demand for railroad workers further increased Chinese immigration...
In “Chinese Immigrant Lee Cew Denounces Prejudice in America, 1882”, we read the account of Chinese immigrant Lee Chew who, writing in 1882, finds himself discontented with the treatment he endures as an immigrant from China. Lee Chew’s experience was not unique; the Chinese immigration ex...
In 1900, at a time when the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 banned most Chinese immigration and reflected a climate of deep anti-Asian prejudice, 9-year-old Mabel Ping-Hua Lee came to America from China on a scholarship to attend school. At 16, she would cement her place in women’s suf...
From 1885 to 1923 Chinese immigration to Canada was discouraged by a head tax, and then by the Canadian Chinese Exclusion Act.