INAV Configurator 2.1 allows you to choose between OpenStreetMap, Bing Maps (Aerial View), and MapProxy map providers. INAV Configurator is shippedWITHOUTAPI key for Bing Maps. That means: every user who wants to use Bing Maps has to create their own account, agree to allTerms and Conditions...
Kanji de Go (漢字で Go!) is a fun game quizzing people on rare/exotic kanji terms. Converted by Marv. Grammar Dictionaries aiko-tanaka Grammar Dictionaries Download A collection of grammar dictionaries scraped and converted by aiko-tanaka. A lot of manual work was put in to creating them to...
A comprehensive collection of Japanese and Chinese dictionaries for Yomichan/Yomitan, including terms, kanji/hanzi info, frequency, and variants. - epistularum/yomichan-dictionaries
They devised a system of assigning each of the twenty-seven nakṣatras (denominated using the Chinese terms) to each day of the lunar calendar (twelve months of thirty days each). In this way, the nakṣatra on the fifteenth day (the Full Moon) corresponds to what it normally would ...
Enter the characters you see below Sorry, we just need to make sure you're not a robot. For best results, please make sure your browser is accepting cookies. Type the characters you see in this image: Try different image Continue shopping ...
A universal redux version of my Meteor attempt at Words with Friends (online scrabble). - words-with-strangers-redux/input_words.txt at master · joshwcomeau/words-with-strangers-redux
Kanji de Go (漢字で Go!) is a fun game quizzing people on rare/exotic kanji terms. Converted by Marv. Grammar Dictionaries aiko-tanaka Grammar Dictionaries Download A collection of grammar dictionaries scraped and converted by aiko-tanaka. A lot of manual work was put in to creating them to...