白毛女 [bái máo nǚ]: The white haired girl. This Internet slang term is a humorous moniker for Starbucks. The White Haired Girl is one the earliest PRC films. 美眉/ MM: Beautiful Eyebrows. The term originated from a Taiwanese tv drama, in which an actor’s accent caused his pronunciat...
Christine Wang@The Armory Show 2020 (Platform) - Meme Girl (art fair)03.05 - 03.08Pier 90 (New York City, NY, United States)Pier 94 (New York City, NY, United States) (1) CONNERSMITH.@The Armory Show 2020 (Focus) (art fair)03.05 - 03.08Pier 90 (New York City, NY, United States...
Nope, they have left the stage, and now there some girl-group dance pop happening. (Not sure why they even brought Maggie back out.) imma scroll ahead, LOL. oops, that’s the end of the video feed. Pretty nice event, obviously much more pop than indie, but some very nice moments...
This is a beautiful song about friendship, or one’s wish for beautiful friendship. The concept of twin flames or mirror souls came to my mind when I first listened to the song. The song title has now turned into an Internet meme – 世另我 [shì lìng wǒ], short for 世界上的另一個...
Hard hitting global and local news Home About Media Network Inc. Our Journalists Search for: January 22, 2025 Off Anduril’s “Arsenal 1” and “Rebuilding the Arsenal of Democracy” By Land Destroyer January 22, 2025 (NEO - Brian Berletic) - With the conflict in Ukraine exposing how ...
popular meme categories Advice Dog Advice God All The Things Angry School Boy Annoying Childhood Friend Annoying Facebook Girl Anti-Joke Chicken Art Student Owl Baby Godfather Bad Advice Cat Batman and Joker Bear Grylls Bill O Reilly Business Cat Business Dog Butthurt Dweller Captain Hindsight ...
Noun. A young boy – by “young” I mean under 30 here because guys 30+ usually don’t do this, and if they do, they are generally not considered 伪娘 – who looks, dresses and acts the same as a girl. Note that this is different with the 3 above in that a 伪娘 can sometimes...
窈窕淑女,君子好逑。 Gentle and graceful is the girl/ A fit wife for the gentleman. Young love can be bittersweet. “Guan Ju,” a poem in theShijing, China’s oldest collection of songs and poems, describes a young man who falls in love with a pretty girl at first sight, and can’...
His former fan group manager, who had been given privilege based on e-gift con- tribution ranking (see Fig. 1), had been pre-empting this for a few weeks, accusing the jock sister of being a gold-fishing girl (laonü/ baijinnü), a fraud who cheated their (queer) followers, as ...
2013 中国梦 (the Chinese Dream); 光盘 (clean your plate); 倒逼 (reversed transmission of the pressure to get something done); 逆袭 (counter-attack under unfavorable circumstances); 微xx (Micro-); 大V (social media influencer); 女汉子 (tough girl or manly woman); 土豪 (flashy high roller...