护士 hùshì /nurse/CL:個|个[ge4]/ 2-Wizard2 恋爱 liànài /(romantic) love/CL:個|个[ge4],場|场[chang3]/in love/to have an affair/ 2-Wizard2 宴会 yànhuì /banquet/feast/dinner party/CL:席[xi2],個|个[ge4]/ 2-Wizard2 锁 suǒ /to lock up/to lock/lock/CL:把[ba3]/ 2...
Head NurseBluette Jean-Louis weighs a child in a sling scale in the nutrition center of the General Hospital in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. unicef.org unicef.org 护士长Bluette Jean-Louis 在海地太子港总医院的营养中心用吊秤为一名宝宝测量体重。
This Chinese-English dictionary is still under construction. Textual search, a nicer web design etc. will be amended in the near future.What's working perfectly already is our Chinese learning software. Download free demo now!Word list: (Please use the search function of your browser (CTRL-F...
"Because most of the elderly COVID-19 patients suffer from underlying conditions, it is relatively difficult to treat them. It is remarkable that Li was able to prevail over the virus and recover. We sincerely wish her good health," said Lao Yu, deputy chief physician of the hospital's ca...
Level 5: Over 5 years working as an associate chief nurse. Moreover, they have published monographs and academic papers. 2.2.2. The Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Questionnaire of Nursing Interruptions Guided by the Knowledge-Attitude-Practice Theory, and combined with the practice of nursing ...
The graded nursing training outline of nurse decision finally was formed after incorporating the advice of the expert's coordinating group. The courses are listed successively as follows: The first lesson: The Newest Graded Nursing System “Guiding principle of general hospital Graded Nursing”(weight...
However, I was admitted to the hospital again in September last year, and the nurse came to educate me about many other things, such as diet, exercise, sunbathing, and fall prevention. After that, I knew that it was not enough to take calcium tablets, and it is also important to ...
The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic catalysed the rapid uptake of telemedicine as a vital tool for physicians to provide healthcare services to patients. However, despite the potential advantages of telemedicine, there remains a paucity of research exa
Results a) The hardware conditions of XtC were not good enough, and the income of Lintao county and Gansu provincial government fell short of their needs; b) The General Practitioner (GP)/nurse ratio was higher than that of the national level, the GP/pharmacist ratio was a little bit ...
The authors acknowledge and thank the following experts for their invaluable assistance as reviewers of the preoperative education material and questionnaire about incision locations: Guorui Liu, Chief Nurse of Department of Aesthetic and Reconstructive Breast Surgery, Plastic Surgery Hospital, Chinese ...