The tiny feet of women who had their feet bound since childhood in China were deemed attractive, erotic, and a sure way to find a rich husband. Foot binding was painful, but practiced in old China.
Foot Binding Facts Since foot binding made it virtually impossible for women to get around on their own, many peasant women did not bind their feet. They had to work in the rice fields, and later the tea factories, so they had to be able to use their feet. Foot binding was seen as ...
Footbinding was an infamous custom of the Han Chinese people used to modify the size and shape of feet in women. Binding started at a very young age and gradually deformed the natural growth of the feet, which was not only a painful process but also a lifetime source of inconvenience and...
Foot binding was a major family event. Women would often travel great distances to attend their extended family during this trying period. Often a mother would do the actual binding. Sometimes a mother-in-law would perform the rite-it was not uncommon for girls of this age to be married or...
Taking things one step further — no pun intended — the socially detrimental values that underlie China’s history of foot binding arguably continue to endure. Even dictating the continuation of narrow beauty ideals well into the 21st Century.Time to unwind the bandages. ...
With plenty of English, this fascinating museum covers the thousand-year history of female foot-binding in China with examples of the shoes that constituted (as captions in the museum attest to) the Golden Lotus (3in foot) complex that was the freakish mentality of the males at ...
a clubbed foot and did not want to be known as having this condition. She asked her husband to make binding feet mandatory for all girls (Chinese Foot Binding 2). By doing so, her deformed foot could now be considered beautiful. The origin of foot binding may not be clear; however ...
No fractures were noted, but these images did reveal prominent pes cavus deformities and foreshortening of the feet, consistent with foot binding as a child. The radiographic findings associated with foot binding are described and other associated health consequences are discussed....
Chinese Foot binding Background Information In the tenth century in China, a prince began the practice of foot binding because he loved the small 'lily feet' of his concubine. Thus traditional Chinese values for over 1000 years dictated that the feet of young girls should be bound to keep ...