USC博士毕业 目前人在Ohio克利夫兰做postdoc。 Sesious relationship only 奔结婚 想找一个互相崇拜的。真诚 爱笑 爱运动。平时喜欢看娱乐节目。爱情最美不过双向奔赴,之后希望和那个他去个暖和的地方。 喜欢新奇的事,相声,剧本杀,追剧 hiking, running, hot yoga... 孜潇 Ashland, OH, United States 郝孜...
Cells were harvested after treated with DMSO or AD, then fixed in 75% ethanol and then stained with propidium iodide (PI). Stained cells were then analyzed by flow cytometry (BD Pharmingen, Franklin Lake, New Jersey, USA). Data were analyzed with Flowjo software (Treestar, Inc., Ashland,...