内容提示: Chinese food in America 课文及翻译 Chinese Food intimately and completely by the individual. One can listen to music, but the sound may enter in one ear and go out through the other; one may listen to a lecture or. conversation, and day-dream about many other things; one may...
chinese food in america中国菜在美国深受欢迎,已成为美国饮食文化的重要组成部分,并对美国餐饮业产生了深远影响。 一、流行程度与接受度 在中国菜在美国的流行程度方面,数据表明有40%以上的青少年喜欢吃中国菜,而70%的人则在一周内至少会吃一次中国菜。这一高频率的消费习惯,...
ChinesefoodinAmerica课文及翻译 ChineseFoodChineseFood intimatelyandcompletelybytheindividual.Onecanlistento music,butthesoundmayenterinoneearandgooutthrough theother;onemaylistentoalectureor.conversation,and day-dreamaboutmanyotherthings;onemayattendto ...
例句 释义: 全部 更多例句筛选 1. I love it. The people are extremely friendly and I love the food. It's so much better and cheaper than Chinese food in America. 我很喜欢这个地方。这里的人非常友好,而且我也喜欢这里的饮食,比美国的中餐要好得多,也便宜得多。 duanfuqiang.2007.blog.163.com隐...
Cecilia Chiang, named the “mother of Chinese food in American”, a famed restauranteur who helped introduce real Chinese food to America in the 1960s, died on October 28, 2020 at the age of 100. Opened in 1961, Cecilia’ legendary San Francisco restaurant, the Mandarin, was arguably the...
chinese food in america课文翻译chinese food in america 课文翻译 中国的食物 Chinese Food There is no doubt that Chinese food is very popular around the world, foreign people speak highl y of it. I like to eat spicy food so much. Every time when I go out for meal, I will add some ...
America is a country with different people and cultures. People come from around the world and join together there. Many of them bring their traditions with them. Chinese food arrived in America in the 1850s. At that time, many Chinese couldn’t find a job in America. ...
Chinese Food in America Corinna Lothar 1 Jennifer 8. Lee (8 really is her middle name; when pronounced in Chinese the number denotes prosperity) is a special kind of journalist. She writes with a delicious sense of humor and irony, following her story over hill and dale, ocean and mountai...
america党员food党规chinese党章 ChineseFoodinAmerica 李竞的新书《幸运签饼纪事》出版后带起了美国人的 正统中国菜文化热。幸运签饼是由日本人发明、“左宗棠鸡” 不关左宗棠事、两代布什总统有特别留座的防弹中餐台, 还有中国以外全世界最好吃的中餐馆原来在温哥华……这 些有部分你或许知道,不过,更多的是你闻所...
Many people in America love Chinese food. However, their “Chinese food” is very different from ours. America is a melting pot(熔炉). People from around the world join together there. Many of them bring their traditions with them. Chinese food arrived in America in the 1850s. At that ...