Guyana could contribute by offering solutions to the problem. 虽然对气 候变化的反应必须是全球性的,圭亚那可 能有 助于 提 供解决 这个 问题的 方法。 This reform process will contribute to tackling the problem of food insecurity and malnutrition: it is...
Affairs infringedherconstitutional rights to freedom of movement and to reside in the State party on the groundthatshewould be compelled to reside outside Guyana in order to maintainhermarital relationship;thatherhusband was permitted to lawfully ...
while Chinese expatriation is still having problems. First, Chinese firms and expatriates must face typical risks of international work. To the organization: premature termination of assignment; expatriate ‘neutralized’ in foreign branch; tensions between headquarter and international subsidiary...
Cuba acknowledged the priority placed by Guyana on the right to food and highlighted measures taken to alleviate the impact of climate change. 古巴认识到:圭亚那把食物权列为 优先事项,着重指出圭亚那为减轻气 候变化 的影 响采 取的措施。 [...] will...
appreciation that Guyana reported 2008 Article7datatothe Ozone Secretariatdemonstratingthatit maintained compliance for zero [...] 执行委员会审查了圭亚那申请延长体制建设项目的报告,并赞赏地注意到圭亚那向臭 氧秘书处报告的 2008年第7 条数据显示,该国一直遵守附件 A ...
(Laos) and Georgetown (Guyana). 该项目编制了若干关于财产所有权的法律研究报告,并在所有五个个案研究遗址进行 了当地人口的社会经济抽样调查,这五个进行个案研究的遗址是:圣路易斯(塞内加尔)、 波多诺伏(贝宁)、长江下游六个运河城市中的同济大学和西塘(中国)、琅勃拉邦(老挝...