Kay165创作的外语有声书作品Chinese stories in English,目前已更新3个声音,收听最新音频章节the empty fort strategy。Chinesefolktales/wisdomandidiomstories
You don't need to know Chinese to experience these captivating tales! With a growing number of translations available, you can embark on your own journey through the enchanting world of Chinese folklore, right here in English. Beyond the Myths: Real Life Lessons Hidden Withi...
欢迎收听由主播乔麦兄弟创作的【Chinese Folk Tales (中国民间故事)】,目前已更新3个节目,最新音频章节“A Chinese love story(牛郎织女)”。绘本故事、外语读物、外语分类有声读物推荐,高清全集在线收听,小说完整版打包下载。
In this episode of "Chinese Folk Tales," we're telling a story full of magic, power, and a spirit that never gives up! LISTEN 13:28 SHARE 2024-02-07 Bonus episode: The mythical tale of the Chinese dragon In this special edition, we're waving goodbye to the Year of the Rabbit and...
《中国奇谭》的官方英文译名:Yao -- Chinese Folktales Yao即“妖”的拼音 下文中~表示意译 00:08第一集 “妖怪”在英文中没有完全对应的词汇。直译只能译为little monster,这种表达只在结尾出现,且前面说了孙悟空也是所谓的monster。 小妖怪~无名小卒:nobody 妖怪爷爷饶命~求饶:please,spare my life 大王~陛下...
there's "Romeo and Juliet", and in Chinese. there's Chinese folktale Butterfly Lovers.As mentioned in previous arncle Famous Chinese Myths (神 ) You Must Know, some of the Chinese myths have a comparative"Western version." how the universe and men were created, scary fairy tales, and ...
14:48 In this episode, prepare to be spellbound as we explore the extraordinary adventures of a son who bravely ventured to retrieve a Zhuang brocade made by his mother, showcasing his deep love for her. Join us for a captivating journey through ancient Chinese folk tales...
Chinese folk tales refer to the stories passed down among the people, mostly无名氏 collective creations and oral transmissions. They are an important part of Chinese folklore and an important manifestation of the cultural heritage of the Chinese nation. Chinese folk tales are widely spread in variou...
中国奇谭英文是:Yao-Chinese Folktales。《中国奇谭》短片集由八个植根于中国传统文化的独立的故事组成:《小妖怪的夏天》《鹅鹅鹅》《林林》《乡村巴士带走了王孩儿和神仙》《小满》《玉兔》《小卖部》《飞鸟与鱼》,在观众面前铺陈开一个极具中式想象力和审美魅力的“妖怪”故事集。其中故事纵览古今...