The dragon was the most sacred animal in Chinese culture. It was said to be able to control the forces of nature and go up high into the heaven and down deep into the sea. Dragon is also a symbol of the Chinese nation. 字义: dragon 组词: 恐龙(恐龍)(kǒnglóng):dinosaur 龙舟(龍舟...
龙也是中华民族的象征。 The ancient form of the character "龙" was what this mysterious animal looked like in ancient Chinese people’ mind. Chinese dragon is different from that of the West, and even more different from other animals in the nature. It was a combination of several animals i...
dragon. Those stories and blessings tell the origin, status, and anything about dragon. In Chinese Spring Festival, people would give blessing to each other, and some blessings come from the zodiac year. If it is a dragon year, and the blessings are relative to dragon, which are widely ...
Dragons play an important role in Chinese culture, such as the zodiac, dragon dances, idioms, art, the dragon boat festival, festival decorations, films, legends, and literature. One can always find dragon elements whenever...
Chinese dragon麒麟。从字面上看,Chinese dragon会让人以为是龙,但其实是指麒麟。西方人最初接触到中国图腾时,麒麟是经常出现的纹样,为了让西方人能理解这是我们的神兽(传说中的神物),才使用他们所能理解的dragon。看看老外聊天时怎么用Chinese dragon:George: I' ll show you a significant historical garden...
IntroductionOriginsofChineseDragon: ThehistoryofChinesedragonsdatesbackthousandsofyears,symbolizingpower,strength,andgoodluck. CulturalSignificance: Representingimperialauthority,prosperity,andauspiciousnessinChineseculture. DragonCharacteristics: Long,serpentinebody;hornsofadeer;scalesofafish;pawsofatiger;andclawsofaneagl...
In Chinese mythology. dragons often jump out from the sea and soar into the clouds with a powerful and uplifting force. Therefore, the dragon has been recognized as a symbol of success and making a name for oneself.在中国神话中。龙常常以一种强大而...
in chinese 用汉语 enter the dragon 龙争虎斗(电影名) Dragon Seed n. 龙种(电影) the old Dragon n. 魔鬼 komodo dragon [动]科莫多巨蜥(Varanus komodoensis)(产于印尼科莫多岛, 全长9英尺, 当今地球上最长的蜥蜴 dragon lizard phr. 科莫多巨蜥 green dragon phr. 龙根天南星,绿龙,青龙 相似...
The Chinese dragon, also known as Long in Chinese, is a legendary creature in Chinese mythology and folklore. It is a symbol of power, strength, and good luck, and it is often associated with the emperor and the imperial family in ancient China. Today, I would like to talk about the ...
《韦氏》没有收录Chinese dragon,但dragon的定义却给中国龙分列了一个义项,说它是a beneficent supernatural creature in Chinese mythology connected with rain and floods(中国神话里的神异动物,仁慈宽厚,与雨水和洪涝有关)。其二是1998年出版的《新牛津英语词典》,此乃基于语料库编纂的大型单卷本现代英语词典...