typepadchinesecustomconcubinagebindingfoot LOTUSFLOWERANDCONCUBINAGE TherearefewWesternerswhocanunderstandtheChinesepracticeofconcubinageasit waspracticedupuntilthe1930s.Inactuality,thepracticeofconcubinageisalogicaloutgrowth oftheChinesefamilystructure,particularlyasitappliedtothepositionofwomenintheChinese family,in...
Footbinding became the most sexualized objectification of women in Chinese history, while creating a distinct aversion in Western observers. Despite much prurient attention to Indian and Arab women in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, western travellers simply did not see Chinese women as erotic...
The epitome of female refinement in China for at least a millennium, one may argue that foot binding was also designed to act as a token of female oppression and social deprivation. A token of a high-end social status, i.e. not needing those feet for work, the practice gave women the ...
The tiny feet of women who had their feet bound since childhood in China were deemed attractive, erotic, and a sure way to find a rich husband. Foot binding was painful, but practiced in old China.
Footbinding was an infamous custom of the Han Chinese people used to modify the size and shape of feet in women. Binding started at a very young age and gradually deformed the natural growth of the feet, which was not only a painful process but also a lifetime source of inconvenience and...
In 1912, the Chinese government ordered the cessation of foot-binding. Foot-binding involved alteration of the bone structure so that 妇女地位在中国是低的,主要由于脚捆绑风俗。 大约45%中国妇女在19世纪一定脚。 为上层阶级,它是差不多100%。 1912年,中国人政府定购了脚束缚的停止。 骨头结构的脚束缚...
The ancient tradition of foot binding in China, however, takes the "beauty is pain" concept to a whole new level. The Origins of Chinese Foot Binding In the early 10th century, emperor Li Yu of the Southern Tang dynasty in China ordered one of his slave girls to bind her feet in silk...
Chinese lady whose feet were bound from childhood, photographed in the 1890s. Footbinding was the Chinese custom of breaking and tightly binding the feet of young girls to change their shape and si...
foot binding, was an attempt to stop the growth of the feet. Foot binding is a bizarre and terrible custom, yet it is hard to understand exactly what foot binding was like with the modern outlook we have today. The reason for women binding their feet went deeper than fashion and reflected...
history of female foot-binding in China with examples of the shoes that constituted (as captions in the museum attest to) the Golden Lotus (3in foot) complex that was the freakish mentality of the males at that time. Periodically banned, foot-binding was finally abolished in the ...