Chinese Culture--中国文化介绍.ppt41页PPT 谢谢!
中国文化介绍英文版(Chinese-Culture-introduction).ppt,Chinese Culture IntroductionEdited By Juan YongCulture Salon中国文化 Oct 2011General introduction of China 4 History: More than 5000 years 1 Population: 1.4 billion Chinese people 2 GDP:5.9 trillion US
1、Explore theChinese Culture,Let s learn together ! Eric Li,What is Culture Definition ?,Some conceive of culture as separating humans from non-humans. Some define it as communicable knowledge. Some as the sum of historical achievements produced by mans social life. In a word: culture is ...
Chinese_Culture中国文化介绍概要1 Beijing Opera The facial painting is worth appreciating for its artistic value . 脸谱(various kinds of facial designs) Three-part make-up (sankuaiwa 三块瓦) It emphasizes the forehead and cheeks. Used on heroes and warriors . Worn-out face (polian 破脸) Also...
文档介绍:Explore the Chinese CultureLet’ s learn together ! Eric Li第一页,共40页。What is Culture Definition ?Some conceive of culture as separating humans from non-humans. Some define it as communicable knowledge. Some as the sum of historical achievements produced by man’s social life. ...
About of China China is one of the world’s oldest civilizations with a chronicled history of more than 5,000 years. There are many symbols of Chinese culture. Let’s share some of t
Chinese traditional culturePPT 中国传统文化的丰富性和多样性在世界上独树一帜,它深深地影响着中国以及周边国家和地区的社会、文化、艺术和哲学。以下是对中国传统文化的部分探讨:中国传统文化的... 中国传统文化的丰富性和多样性在世界上独树一帜,它深深地影响着中国以及周边国家和地区的社会、文化、艺术和哲学。以...
culture is learned, shared, and transmitted from generation to generation. Contents: 1. Chinese Religion and Philosophy: Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism 2. Modern business culture etiquette. 3. Chinese cuisine. 4. Chinese arts and crafts: Painting, operas, embroidery, china and martial arts 1....
The Culture of China is one of the world‘s oldest cultures. The area in which the culture is dominant covers a large geographical region in eastern Asia, including Japan, Korea, Singapore and Vietnam ,with which customs and traditions varying greatly between towns, cities and provinces.第1页...