Movie Genre: Drama, Romance Language: Mandarin Chinese Formed Police Unit(2024) China Johnny Huang Wang Yibo Elane Zhong Oho Ou Zhu Yawen Movie Genre: Drama, Action, Thriller, War Language: Mandarin Chinese Twilight of the Warriors: Walled in(2024) ...
and focuses on a group of five young college students living together and attending university. Despite sharing a house and having these commonalities together, they still have their own lives and issues to sort through during this time of great change in their lives. The series focuses on each...
Chinese Drama - 2022, 15 episodes 9.0 An unexplainable phenomena finds college-going student, Li Shi Qing, trapped in a never-ending time loop where she is always stuck on a public service bus which is due to explode, bringing death and destruction to not… ...
Jiang Dian, a college student, has suppressed his heart in the face of the pressure brought by his family. But he accidentally has a deep bond with Cheng Feng, who is older than him and in a slump due to the setback of her dance career. How to chase Cheng Feng, become his years ...
The drama revolves around the theme of youth and mainly tells the story of Cheng Shu and Wu Qiaoqiao, along with their high school, college, and work experiences with their friends such as Lu Nansheng, Liang Anqi, Guo Jiahao, and Zhang Xiaoli. During this era, they maintained their ...
Initiative/Provider University/Entity Categories Subjects/Skills Course Length Start Date Discover Chinese Drama: Understanding 'The Injustice to Dou E' (FutureLearn) Explore the origins and development of Chinese drama in this course examining the classic play 'The Injustice to Dou E'. Explore the ...
At the centre of this drama is the sweet and innocent Qi Yue ( 齐悦 qí yuè). She has a crush on the basketball team captain Shang Yuan Yi (尚源伊 shàng yuányī) and decides to tell him with a letter.However, the letter actually ends up in the hands of the college troublemaker ...
Overall, this drama tried to pack a lot into the story, but the writing was not consistent enough to weave the plots together seamlessly. The show started strong for me, with its fresh take on the FL's background, where she was the leader of a righteous gang whose focus was on ...
the whole cast was beautiful. Watch these Chinese Dramas on Netflix. Someone who is into online games. A college student, Chinese Drama Netflix, wondering all sorts of things before entering college like meeting with awesome people in college, and finding a special one, and awesome college. ...
Episodes with Eng Sub Available on: YouTube, Viki, newasiantv, drama3sonline, kseries, kissasian, asiannice, etc. Brief Introduction: Jiangsheng and her elder step-brother Liangsheng had a hard childhood but still leant on each other. After a car accident when they were in college, Liang...