2. The Master said, ‘What is it you call being distinguished?’ 3. Tsze-chang replied, ‘It is to be heard of through the State, to be heard of throughout his clan.’4. The Master said, ‘That is notoriety, not distinction. 5. ‘Now the man of distinction is solid and ...
Previously known as Constantinople, capital of Eastern Roman Empire, then capital of the Ottoman Empire, Istanbul has always been a hotbed of cultural diversity. In its heyday, this grand dame of a city that straddles the continents of Europe and Asia, drew traders from all across the globe....
Anduril’s “Arsenal 1” and “Rebuilding the Arsenal of Democracy” By Land Destroyer January 22, 2025 (NEO - Brian Berletic) - With the conflict in Ukraine exposing how unprepared the United States’ military industrial... Chinese Military Might vs Washington’s Asymmetrical Tools of Empire...
Yuan Tong is shunned by pretty much all of the heavenly clan and nobody trusts her. The only person supporting her is Du Yu, who she was engaged to. Ling Yue, the leader of the bird tribe, is being controlled by Zhong Hao now. I think he has her drugged? Her daughter Bao Qing ha...
[Lunyu], 9:6). He found employment first with the Jisun clan, a hereditary family whose principal members had for many decades served as chief counselors to the rulers of Lu. A series of modest positions with the Jisuns—as keeper of granaries and livestock and as district officer in ...
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NAMES.—The Chinese called their empire Chung Kwo (Middle Kingdom), a name first applied to Ho-nan, the country of the Chou dynasty; a Chinaman is designated Chung-kwo-jen or man of the Middle Kingdom; in diplomacy China is Ta-ts’ing Kwo (the great empire of Ts’ing, the prese...
A universal redux version of my Meteor attempt at Words with Friends (online scrabble). - words-with-strangers-redux/input_words.txt at master · joshwcomeau/words-with-strangers-redux
As I see it, the transformation of the dragon from a demonic creature into an auspicious animal marked a metaphoricalreconciliationof the ambivalent feelings toward the father. The institution of the dragon as the clan totem comes about as early Chinese people endeavor to “balance” their sexual...
tend to pay more attention and remember girls' names better). It was getting about 5am, I suggested we could perhaps walk on to the bus station about 1/2 hour away. They woke up the rest of the group, a guy with his newly wed ...