have two left feet (有两左脚) - 笨手笨脚 ball and chain (球和链) - 桎梏,枷锁,羁绊,束缚,累赘;<俚>老婆 "ball and chain" can refer to a burden, a restraint, or a spouse. SPOUSE! water off a duck's back (水过鸭背) - 对牛弹琴,耳边风 “百岁有涯头上雪,万般无染耳边风。”唐·...
The Similarities and Differences Between Chinese and English Idioms I.Introduction An idiom is a number of words, which, taken together, mean something different from the individual words of the idiom when they stand alone. Idioms here that are referred to are set phrases including colloquialisms,...
This paper, starting with the language phenomena from Chinese and English idioms, especially with their associative meanings, applying the theory of comparative ling. 从汉英成语的语言现象出发 ,特别是从词语的联想意义出发 ,从对比语言学角度对汉英成语进行对比分析 ,探其异同以及相互之间的关系以加深对汉英...
Cultural Differences between Chinese and English Idioms Abstract:Idiom is a specific form of language or dialect of a people or country,which can reflect the living conditions and cultures.Idiom embodies the wisdom of the people, armed with a distinctive image,taken a strong ethnic color and local...
translationofChineseandEnglishidioms.1.TheoriginsandthefeaturesofidiomsinEnglishandChinese.Idiomisafixedphraseorashortsentencethroughalong-termuse,whichispassed,screened,temperedfromgenerationtogenerationandbecometheessenceoflanguageandculture.ChineseandEnglishidiomshavesimilaritiesinmeaningandthe forms of expressions, ...
Study on the Translation of Chinese and English Idioms from a Cultural Perspective 从文化角度看英汉习语翻译 摘要 语言是文化的载体,而习语是语言文化的结晶,它如同一面镜子反映出了中外民族的文化特征。习语通常包括俗语、谚语、典故、俚语等类别,它常常用形象生动、浅显易懂的语言,准确地描述社会现象、法则,高...
Liu jinding.Translation of Chinese and English idioms[].Journal of WUDANG(Social Science).1995Translation of Chinese and English idioms. Liu jinding. Journal of WUDANG(Social Science) . 1995Liu jinding.Translation of Chinese and English idioms. Journal of WUDANG(Social Science) . 1995Liu jinding,...
Key words:cultural differences;English and Chinese idioms;ways of translating the idioms 摘要:习语是语言的结晶,是文化的载体。习语具有简洁,机智幽默以及寓意深刻等特点,因此广泛地用于日常交际,报纸,杂志和大众媒体中。但是由于人们不同的生活环境,宗教信仰,历史背景,风俗习惯以及思维方式,英汉习语有很大的差异,而...
资源描述: 《On Translation of EnglishChinese and ChineseEnglish Idioms》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《On Translation of EnglishChinese and ChineseEnglish Idioms(13页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。 1、英汉互译中对习语翻译的探析 On Translation of English-Chinese and Chinese-English Idioms Contents Abstr...