The Differences between Chinese Characters and English Words and Culture浅议汉字与英文间的中西文化差异.docx,The Differences between Chinese Characters and English Words and Culture 浅议汉字与英文间的中西文化差异 摘要 世界因不同的文化而丰富多彩,生机勃勃
Through comparing the difference of culture between Chinese and English, we can understand different translation methods so that we can improve our English ability. Furthermore, it can promote the communication between China and western countries. This thesis consists of four chapters. The first part...
1、cultural differences of chinese and english color wordsabstractlanguage is a kind of social phenomenon and is the carrier of culture. almost every language has color words, including chinese and english. however, the words to describe colors differ from one language to another because of differe...
在英汉翻译的过程中,总会遇到一些那已从字面上理解的断语或句子.这些那已理解的断语或句子就是所谓的文化词语(culture-loaded words or expressions),可称作成语(idioms).英语和汉语都是世界上最丰富和发达的语言之一,都具有大量的成语.成语是语言的结晶,是语言使用者长期以来使用的形式简洁且意思精辟的定形的,...
Differences in Chinese culture and English culture (1) Addressing terms. Both western and Chinese people have two kinds of personal names---a surname and a given name. But the order and the use of these names in the two languages are kind of different. In Chinese, the surname comes first...
In a word, language is a mirror of culture. The scientific research shows that there are as many as two million kinds of identified colors in the world. Both Chinese and English have a great quantity of different words to depict colors. They are similarly classified in general. But due to...
culturalcolordifferences中英文chineseenglish TheCulturalDifferencesofColorWordsinChineseandEnglish学号09053131姓名班级09级英本一班专业英语成绩中英文颜色的文化差异摘要:本篇论文的主要目的是对中英文颜色翻译中所体现的文化差异进行一次尝试性的研究。有很多名家对此做过很多研究,我对此也比较感兴趣,因此在前人研究的基础...
different cultural ties between the two languages.Naturally, English color words may be opaque to Chinese culture.Misunderstand⁃ings and misunderstandings have occurred,even in the serious prob⁃lem of communication.Therefore,the correct translation of color words become more and more urgent,which ...
Key words: color term, culture, difference 摘要 文化具有明显的名族特色,是不同人群在不同的地理环境,宗教信仰和历史习俗的独特产物,由于受到这些原因的影响,颜色词不仅具有自身的概念意义,还具有不同的内涵意义。颜色词作为一种特殊的文化限定词,是反映不同文化内涵的一面重要的镜子。在不同的民族文化中,同一...