Through the use of Acupuncture and Chinese herbs, Tamara TCM aims to achieve balanced health and wellness for each patient across Maumee and Toledo.
Welcome to the Chinese Acupuncture and Herbology Clinic, where experienced, licensed acupuncturists apply evidence-based principles to the practice of Chinese medicine. We bring to our patients the highest standard of care in a safe, healing environment, along with the benefits of the largest Chinese...
We useacupuncture,Chinese herbal medicine,massage therapyand other techniques to help you regain your mental and physical health. Learn moreabout our services and what we treat here. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been developing for over 2500 years. Dr. Gao has a background in both Wes...
Welcome to the Chinese Acupuncture and Herbology Clinic, where experienced, licensed acupuncturists apply evidence-based principles to the practice of Chinese medicine. We bring to our patients the highest standard of care in a safe, healing environment, along with the benefits of the largest Chinese...
Acupuncture Chinese Herbal Medicine Cupping Diet Therapy Find out More OurSpecialties We treat a wide range of health concerns but often see the following in our Chinese Medicine Practice! Pain Management Stop or eliminate painful conditions such as headaches, knee pain, foot pain, abdominal pain &...
HERBAL CLINIC Welcome to Chinese Acupuncture and Herbal Clinic a division of Chinesehealthway Ltd. ACUPUNCTURE Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medical technique for unblocking chi (ch'i or qi) by inserting needles at particular points on the body to balance the opposing forces of yin and yang...
Xu Wellness Center in Memphis Tennessee is a Chinese medical clinic. We provide Acupuncture, Hydrotherapy and other services.
Thornhill Chinese Medicine clinic provides acupuncture and alternative traditional Chinese herb treatments to help cope with cancer in Richmond Hill, Vaughan & Markham. Call (647) 393-3828 for a FREE consultation!
Chinese Acupuncture & Skin Clinic specialises in Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Acupressure, Cupping at Preston, Chorley, Leyland and Blackpool. They are useful in the treatment of: back pain, skin conditions, Fertility Support, Weight loss, depression,
Chinese Ancient Healing Art. Acupuncture uses the body's own healing process to alleviate pain and disease. Over 20 years experience.