von „Loyalität (Minister), kindlicher Treue (Söhne) und Märtyrertum (Töchter)“. China blieb gegenüber Korea wachsam: Im 25. Jahr der Regierungszeit Hongwu (1392) warnte der Ming-Kaiser die Gesandten Koreas davor, ein unabhängiges Königreich zu gründen, indem er sagte,...
The Chinese SCSs therefore pose to all of us the question of why massive amounts of data about us are collected, moved, evaluated and sold. What kind of society will digital mass surveillance lead to? And what can we do to counter it? One thing is clear: data is power. It is a pow...
but a MSWord mercenary, knowing rather clearly that this country and her people were grist for his future mill. (If you’ve done a lot of traveling and writing, you can smell this kind of thing.) What’s more, his observations suggest strongly that he...