East, West, and in Between: Theatre in China since the Early 20th Century Has Blended Chinese, Japanese, and Western TraditionsThe following is an edited transcript of a Theatre History podcast on HowlRound.com, in which...Lueger, Michael...
Professor Zhang Weiwei, dean of the China Research Institute at Fudan University, told CGTN Radio's Xu Yawen in an interview. He said China's whole-process people's democracy is a combination of selective democracy and electoral democracy, which is more sophisticated than the W...
The Academy is composed of Department of Acting, Department of Directing, Department of Stage Design, Department of Dramatic Literature, Department of Musical Theatre, Department of Peking Opera, Department of Western Opera, Department of Dance Theatre, Department of Theatre Pedagogy, Department of Thea...
Currently, Kraeuter is actively engaged in efforts to bring "Huiju," a traditional opera from east China's Anhui Province, to Germany for performances, aiming to introduce it to Western audiences across the region. "It is very important that we do understand more about the thinking, culture, ...
A large gap remains between living standards of the urban and rural communities, between urban zones on the Chinese coast and the interior and western parts of the country, and between the urban middle classes and those who have not been able to profit from the growth of recent decades. ...
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The connection between avant-garde theatre and anarchism has long been part of the narrative of avant-garde studies, Matei Calinescu claiming, "Bakunin's anarchist maxim, 'To destroy is to create,' is actually applicable to most of the activities of the twentieth-century avantgarde," 2 ...
The casual onboard restaurants include Miracle Garden Buffet restaurant, which serves local specialities, Asian snacks, and a selection of Chinese and Western dishes. The Naples Pizza House features pure Neapolitan-style pizza while the Carbon Grill Hut serves a variety of burgers. Other casual resta...
Instead of forcing doors open, I found new ways in. Instead of learning Chinese a chapter at a time, I began living in China. Through my studies of Tai Qi, I discovered how to slow down my movements in deliberate and measured ways and discovered that just because western medicine could ...
For two years, Chinese backing for Russia’s war in Ukraine has been western governments’ biggest concern about the two countries’ burgeoning relationship. But two weeks ago, US officials raised alarm over their co-operation in another key security theatre: the seas around Taiwan. ...