The unemployment rate ranged at 5.2 percent in China in 2023 and was expected to decrease only slightly in 2024.
and the government appears to have deployed all available resources, according to our estimate, including general bond proceeds of 3.37 trillion yuan ($490.59 billion) and local special bond proceeds of 4.15 trillion yuan.
and the government appears to have deployed all available resources, according to our estimate, including general bond proceeds of 3.37 trillion yuan ($490.59 billion) and local special bond proceeds of 4.15 trillion yuan.
and the government appears to have deployed all available resources, according to our estimate, including general bond proceeds of 3.37 trillion yuan ($490.59 billion) and local special bond proceeds of 4.15 trillion yuan.
had China maintained the 1994 poverty rate of 57.8% in the period 1994 to 2020, there would be 820 million more people globally living in poverty in 2020, and the global poverty rate in 2020 would have been 19.4%—equivalent to the level in 2007—rather than the actual estimate of 8.9%...
gloom about the economic outlook. …Recent data has revealed the Chinese economy is slowing faster than expected: Growth in industrial output and retail sales has slowed, while the stock market and investment in real estate took a nosedive. Unemployment is up, and deflation remains an urgent ...
this paper further uses the Propensity Score Matching method to estimate the net effect of self-employment on the mental health of the younger elderly. The “counterfactual” framework constructed by Propensity Score Matching is used to estimate the mental health status of the younger self-employed ...
* IMF estimate. ** Preliminary figure.Values have been rounded. Open this statistic in... Spanish Citation formats Citation formats View options Other statistics on the topicKey economic indicators of China + Economy Big Mac index worldwide 2024 Economy Gross domestic product (GDP) growth ra...
We estimate the optimal value of capital-labor ratio in model (3). The negative residual values suggest that SOEs bear social policy burdens (Burden1), measured by the absolute value of the negative residual values. The positive residual values indicate that SOEs bear strategic policy burdens (...
To estimate the probability of employment status, including three types—(A) non- work, (B) irregular work, and (C) regular work—a multinomial probit regression model is used, which is expressed by Eqs. (2.3.1)–(2.3.3): Pr A Y ∗ Ai >0 = Pr a + βA X Ai + eAi > 0, ...