The population from 2024 to 2054 is based on the medium scenario from the World Population Prospects 2022. The age-specific prevalence of needing assistance in performing activities of daily living (ADLs) was derived from the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey (CLHLS) and the China Longit...
to escape political oppression, bleak economic prospects… Increasingly, the exodus includes tech professionals and other well-educated middle-class Chinese. …In 2022, despite passport and travel restrictions, more than 310,000 Chinese, on net, emigrated, according to the U.N. data. With three m...
(Li & Dewan, 2017), while the heavy resource dependence of resource-based cities would cause a large demand for fossil fuel, a massive quantity of CO2 emissions, and a series of socio-economic issues, such as a lack of technological innovation, a high unemployment rate, and a monolithic ...
她和其他专家也认为2023年中国人口依然保持减少。 "The high youth unemployment rate and weaknesses in income expectations could delay marriage and childbirth plans further, dragging down the number of newborns," she added. 此外,她补充道:高的青年失业率和对收入的悲观预期将使得年轻人进一步延迟结婚与生育...
But the labour market can be a lagging indicator of economic momentum. If growth remains weak, unemployment will eventually edge up. In such a scenario, the government may be forced to do more to revive the economy. Officials can tolerate a temperature difference between data and people’s fee...
In 2022, GDP growth dropped to just 3%, far below the government’s target of around 5.5%, and well under the pre-pandemic trend. While there was a recovery in 2023, growth remained below expectations with the real estate sector still in turmoil, youth unemployment rising, and ...
Tariffs like that would be a blow to China’s already unstable economy, which is suffering from high youth unemployment, a lengthy property slump and government debt. A 60% duty on Chinese imports could shave off 2.5 percentage points, or about half, of China’s projected economic growth...
These political tasks include the various policy burdens that SOEs bear, such as having to adhere to the macroeconomic control and strategic planning of the national economy, help avoid unemployment and maintain social stability. SOE executives have to bear both the political and economic tasks, ...
And despite the rise in youth unemployment in the country, the overall unemployment rate “remains low by past standards,” according to Capital Economics. Government efforts to strengthen the property sector—including measures to improve developers’ access to financing and reducing mortga...
If the PBOC stops interfering—in the previously described manner—the RMB would self-correct and appreciate, thus making Chinese exports costlier. It would lead to a major crisis ofunemploymentdue to the loss of export business. China wants to keep its goods competitive in the international marke...