This form will be used for the Trademark Search process in China. This type of search process is also available for Hong Kong and Taiwan. If you want to do the search by yourself, you can go directly to theCTMOdatabase. Captcha*
our company Provided China trademark office data search service. If you want to Trademark registration in china and Patent registration service in china, all online Chinese trademark application service is free in our company . if you know more Trademark
Re-search after blind period: When you entrust CTPLO to make the trademark search and process the filing, we will make an additional “re-search” for you after the blind period(when your trademark info can be seen in the trademark database), to see if there is any similar or identical...
CTPLO - China Trademark & Patent Law Office. People's Republic of China. 中华人民共和国国家工商行政管理总局商标局 China Trademark Office (CTMO) . The State Administration of Industry and Commerce (SAIC). Search, Application. China Trademark Search and F
网络中国商标检索服务;中国注册商标查册 网络释义
The European Union and China are working to bring the country's registration data to TMview, a free trademark search database run by the EU Intellectual Property Office. Representatives of the EUIPO and China's Ministry of Commerce met Jan. 17 to relaunch the European Union-Beijing intellectual...
As a result, the CNIPA, in general, recommends searching their trademark database before submitting an application. 3. Submit an application A trademark in China can be registered through the ‘national’ or ‘international’ system. In order to apply for a trademark in China directly through ...
IPO of Chinese EV brand suggests rising investor confidence, but regulatory risks still loom; Burberry wins trademark infringement and unfair competition lawsuit; and China proposes guidelines to it's lithium battery sector amid overcapacity concerns. ...
According to the Chinese patent law, trademark law and some other related laws, foreign law firms, agencies and any foreign person shall appoint any of such organizations as designated by the State to act as its or his agent. The common types of intellectual property rights in China mainly in...
Administrative>Administrative Body>Trademark Administration (Trademark) Sources:Websites 尊敬的用户,您好!本篇仅为该案例的英文摘要。北大法宝提供单独的翻译服务,如需整篇翻译,请发邮件至,或致电86 (10) 8268-9699进行咨询。 Dear user, this document contains only a summary of the respec...