China (Dubai ) Trade Fair 2023 Dear customer, Greetings! We sincerely invite you to participate in the 14th China (Dubai ) Trade Fair held at the Dubai World Trade Center from June 13th to 15th, 2023. Our booth number is 3B201. We are a high-tech enterprise specializing in the R&D, ...
11月23日至25日,2023年第五届中国(印尼)贸易博览会(China (Indonesia) Trade Fair 2023)将在雅加达国际展览中心盛大举行。凭借不断创新的数字化产品和服务,以及持续完善的全球本土化实践,总部位于新加坡的寻汇SUNRATE届时将在C3馆C3O104展位恭候各位参会企业的到来,通过数字化全球支付与财资管理解决方案,以安全...
We present a complete list of Chinese Trade Fairs 2023 and a Calendar of China Exhibitions in 2024. Feel free to search the whole list byindustry, date, city, or name. You can visit the famous Canton Fair held each year in Guangzhou (Canton), meet international companies at Shanghai trad...
展会时间:2024年9月17-19日 展会地址:圣保罗会展中心Sao Paulo Exhibition & Convention Center 展会周期:一年一届 主办方:MEORIENT 海外支持单位:中巴贸易促进联合会、巴中工商总会、巴西进出口商会、巴西圣保罗总商会、巴西圣保罗购物中心企业家协会、巴西机械设备进出口商协会 中国区组展单位:贵州远辰博汇国际展览...
The 2023 China International Fair for Trade in Service concluded with more than 1,100 achievements The 2023 China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS) concluded successfully on the afternoon of September 6, 2023. This year, CIFTIS featured an expansive exhibition area spanning 155,000 ...
中国(越南)贸易博览会 (CHINA ( VIETNAM ) TRADE FAIR) 欢迎光临越南展会莅临指导 展馆名称:胡志明市展览贸易中心 SECC Saigon Expo Center 使用展厅:A1、A2 展馆地址:799 Nguyen Van Linh, Tan Phu Ward, Dist. 7, Hochiminh City, Vietnam 展览日期:2023 年 6 月 15-6 月 17 日...
The 2023 China International Fair for Trade in Services (referred to as "CIFTIS") kicked off in Beijing on the morning of September 2nd, 2023. This year, CIFTIS has the annual theme of "Openness Leading Development, Cooperation for a Win-Win Future", with an exhibition area covering 155,...
2023年第十届中国(巴西)贸易博览会,共吸引了来自广东、浙江、江苏、山东等省市超415家企业参与。展会引起了巴西及周边地区买家的强烈兴趣,展前预登记买家数已达到36487位。巴西规模最大的纺织零售品牌- LOJAS RIACHUELO S.A.,世界领先的服装公司-COATS CORRENTE LTD.,巴西先进的土木建筑老品牌-PRAZZO ENGENHARIA LTD...
每日一词∣2023年中国国际服务贸易交易会全球服务贸易峰会 the Global Trade in Services Summit of the 2023 China International Fair for Trade in Services 2023年中国国际服务贸易交易会9月2日至6日在北京举行,主题为“开放引领发展 合作共赢未来”。共有83个国家和国际组织设展办会,超过2400家企业线下参展。
Through the lens of the 2023 China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS), the world's largest specialized fair of its kind, more international participants have witnessed China's stellar growth in services trade, and the development payoff from its accelerated higher-level opening-up....