For details, as well as tariff codes and descriptions related to exclusions, refer to the Federal Register from Sept. 18, 2024. What’s next? Businesses that solely rely on a customs broker or supplier to correctly classify imported products should consider a more robust strategy. Wor...
Trade Representative (USTR) recently further extended hundreds of the Section 301 China Tariff exclusions until December 31, 2023. Here’s what to know about the extension, what to expect through the end of the year, and how to find out whether any exclusions may potentially apply to your ...
2024.1The exclusions were previously set to expire on December 31, 2023. The extension notice also suggests that the ongoing four-year review of the Section 301 investigation will continue
China:tariffedgoodsexperiencedlostshareswhereasnon-tariffedgoodsgainedshares,leadingtoadecreaseintheeffectivetariffrate. ■Productexclusionshelpedfurtherreducetheeffectivetariffrate.Afterseveralroundsofextensionsandsubsequentadjustments,theremaining164 exclusionscovered15%oftariffedgoods.Incorporatingbothproductmix-shiftafterthe...
The USTR announced further extension until December 31 of the 352 reinstated exclusions and 77 COVID-related exclusions in the China tariff investigation.
“We need new free trade agreements that focus on both market access and tariff reductions, and we need Congress to pass long-standing trade preference programs which remain expired. The U.S. economy needs real incentives — unlike those in the form of penal tariffs — to shift supply chains...
USTR Further Extends China 301 Exclusions on 81 “COVID Items”In a notice scheduled to be published in the Federal Register on February 7, 2023, the office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) announced that it is again extending the China 301 tariff exclusions on 81 “COVID items”...
The U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) has extended the Section 301 exclusions that are currently in place until May 31, 2024. The Section 301 tariff exclusions on U.S. imports from China were set to expire on December 31, 2023. Now, the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) announced that ...
It will allow tariff exclusions for Chinese solar wafer and cell manufacturing equipment, but not for equipment used to make full solar modules.
A process by which interested persons may request temporary China 301 tariff exclusions for certain machinery (of Chapters 84 and 85, HTSUS) used in domestic manufacturing is being established. The potentially eligible tariff provisions are identified in Annex B to theNotice, beginning on page 37....