“administrative filing” is not the same as “approval”. In other words, the filing itself should not be a pre-condition for the executed China SCCs to take effect or to transfer personal information out of Mainland of...
The Measures will take effect from December 1, 2023. If you need any assistance or have any questions, please contact us viaservice@cirs-group.com. CIRSis to host a free webinar on the filing requirements for toothpaste in China on December 11-12. This webinar is available in Chinese, ...
to the ICCR through the SCCS and various regulations around cosmetic safety), there is now discussion in the scientific literature about using these same NAMbased approaches for chemical regulations. Chemicals registration such as REACH in the EU are now looking at where/what is the role of NAMs...
pgletIeoetcoiacyaaauerD.RfrtnRl,,appdtcmnpohgccoeRiTeganaocllelchhesmlec.cmtedetnFnhpboinnoainoto-noTd.aIbdladuilsagissladtccdlDnregnlhsaeiaguegeWgssooedeesksgRrmmr,e.ccincnNddtweeeal,totaaaTthtFeterarQiiirttppbtehFnsdn-innoIhihiethtehgtdilklaaliDiiCRddendnghgnyeeeeeesccsll.,, (a) (b) ...