While China's cultural heritage is deeply rooted in the past, it has also been influenced by modern trends. The country's rapid economic growth has led to a surge in urbanization and globalization, resulting in a fusion of traditional and contemporary influences. Preserving the...
China is a country is rich in cultural heritage. It has been using (advance) technology to protect ancient temples. So far this year, experts (complete) the digital scanning (扫描) of the inside of 12 caves of the Mogao. Grottoes, a UNESCO World Heritage Site as part of protection effort...
The 37th Hundred Flowers Awards, known as China's "audience awards," were announced Sunday, with two films that pay homage to China's rich cultural heritage taking home three major awards. Founded in 1962, the awards reflect the preferences and opinions of Chinese moviegoers, making it one ...
a deep national recognition and emotional resonance with traditional culture. If creators lack respect for and understanding of this heritage, merely chasing trends will result in a loss of diversity and artistic innovation. When creators compromise their cultural confidence for external forces, their wo...
1China, a country with a rich cultural heritage (遗产), has kinds of traditional musical instruments. These instruments reflect the special beauty and wisdom (智慧) of the Chinese people.One of the most famous instruments is the guzheng, a plucked (弹) string (弦) instrument with a long hi...
句中有谓语,这里需要一个非谓语动词作后置定语,cultural heritage和动词stretch是主动关系,应用现在分词形式,表示文化遗产可以追溯到数千年前。故填stretching。 (2)题详解: 考查语态。句意:近年来,中国利用科技手段,通过数字化手段保护文化遗产,让其得以保存,供子孙后代欣赏和研究。主语it和动词pereserve是被动关系,...
Among these are the hidden cultural relic "Easter eggs" that pay homage to China's rich heritage. 七色宝莲 河北博物院(📍河北省石家庄市) 作为全片最重要的法宝之一,七色宝莲有着强大功效,《哪吒2》中哪吒和敖丙正是依靠它才能“重塑肉身”。
The delicate interplay between the solo violin and the orchestra conveyed the themes of love, tragedy and eternal connection. The sweeping melodies enchanted the audience, drawing them deep into the essence of China's rich cultural heritage
China,a countrywith a richculturalheritage (遗产),haskindsoftraditionalmusicalinstruments.TheseinstrumentsreflectthespecialbeautyandwiseoftheChinesepeople.Oneofthemostsymbolicinstrumentsistheguzheng,a plucked (弹) string (弦) instrumentwith a longhistory.Ithas 21 stringsandproduces a sweetandemotionalsound,of...
aChina has a long history, rich cultural heritage museum, on the increasingly high demand. With the rapid development of Museum, Museum of cultural relics in museums showcase occupies a more and more i 中国有一个悠久的历史,富有的文化遗产博物馆,在越来越高要求。 以博物馆的迅速发展,文化遗产博物...