SFC Markets and Finance: Western media argues China's economy has peaked. How do you think about these comments? John Ross: Well, I've been writing on China's economy for more than 30 years. In that time, every year somebody in the West predicts that China's economy is about to colla...
近日,我院云山领军学者、丹麦奥尔堡大学国际关系学兼职教授李形在《China Daily》上发表文章,针对当前国际社会热议的“中国国力是否已达顶峰”问题,提出观点——“Down time——It is the West that has peaked, not China”。 文章从历史角度出发...
There are other reasons for China to be optimistic. Protectionism might have peaked given the negative consequences that it has had on the performance of the US and other Western countries without undermining the Chinese trade balance. On the other hand, given the late opening of the Chinese tou...
There are other reasons for China to be optimistic. Protectionism might have peaked given the negative consequences that it has had on the performance of the US and other Western countries without undermining the Chinese trade balance. On the other hand, given the late opening of the Chinese tou...
There are other reasons for China to be optimistic. Protectionism might have peaked given the negative consequences that it has had on the performance of the US and other Western countries without undermining the Chinese trade balance. On the other hand, given the late opening of the Chinese tou...
The share of manufacturing in China’s GDP peaked in 2011, and in 2015 services started to account for more than half the economy, which is normal as countries grow wealthier. But China has since decided to defy economic gravity: The country’s latest five-year economic plan proclaimed...
Editor's Note: Some Western critics claim that China has peaked in power, citing economic obstacles, demographic aging, and other concerns. Yet, the belief that China has hit the ceiling of its ascent is based on faulty h...
Since the reform and opening up, China's economy has developed rapidly, becoming the world’s second largest economy25, as well as the largest energy consumer and carbon emitter26. Therefore, transitioning towards sustainable development while developing the economy is one of the biggest challenges ...
In the last few years, China’s economic growth has slowed down due to factors like the COVID-19 pandemic, while the US economy has shown signs of recovery. Some American observers have proclaimed that China’s economic growth has peaked, saying that it is unlikely to exceed the US economy...
Inflation had peaked at 2.8 percent in September 2022, but eased thereafter. The annual average inflation rate in China ranged at 0.2 percent in 2024. China’s inflation in comparison The term inflation means the devaluation of money caused by a permanent increase of the price level for ...