This quantum computer will be integrated into the "Tianyan" quantum computing cloud platform, making it accessible to users worldwide. "Tianyan," China Telecom's quantum computing cloud platform launched in November 2023, has received over 12 million visits from more than 50 countries, providing co...
A comparison test conducted by Google in 2023 showcased quantum computing's speed advantage — completing in under three minutes tasks for which the fastest supercomputers require approximately 50 years. This year, the 72-qubit superconducting quantum computer Origin Wukong was finally unveiled. Wukong ...
updatetime:2023-10-11 17:53:40 Views:223 Source:XinhuaChinese scientists unveiled a quantum computer prototype named "Jiuzhang 3.0" with 255 detected photons on Wednesday, once again pushing the boundaries of photonics quantum computing technology. Led by the renowned Chinese quantum physicist Pan ...
量子计算机(quantum computer)是一类遵循量子力学规律进行高速数学和逻辑运算、存储及处理量子信息的物理装置。当某个装置处理和计算的是量子信息,运行的是量子算法时,它就是量子计算机。 量子计算机的特点主要有运行速度较快、处置信息能力较强、应用范围较广等。与一般计算机比较起来,信息处理量愈多,对于量子计算机实施运...
Chinese scientists have achieved a lot of breakthroughs in various fields, such as quantum computing, astronomical observation, and brain-computer interface in 2023. Let's review some of the highlights. A QKD system that is able to generate secret keys at a record high SKR of 115.8 Mb/s over...
2023-11-04 09:35:04 China develops new record-breaking quantum computer prototype A new quantum computer prototype developed by Chinese scientists, known as "Jiuzhang 3.0," with 255 detected photons, has achieved a calculation speed that is 10 quadrillion times faster in solving Gaussian boson sam...
The experimental advanced superconducting tokamak (EAST), or the Chinese "artificial sun," achieved a steady-state high confinement plasma operation for 403 seconds on April 12, 2023. In the same year, Chinese scientists unveiled a quantum computer prototype, known as “Jiuzhang 3.0”, with 255...
Qijiang-2 and other cutting-edge exhibits like the Jiuzhou Yunjian Longyun rocket engine and the Origin Wukong superconducting quantum computer are demonstrating China's breakthroughs in frontier technologies at the event, as well as its potential in the field of high-tech manufacturing. The gathering...
Quantum computing is based on the principles of quantum mechanics and qubits. In September 2019, Google launched a 53 qubit computer called Sycamore, which took only 200 seconds to calculate a mathematical algorithm. At that time the world's fastest supercomputer Summit took two days to do the ...
East China's Anhui Quantum Computing Engineering Research Center announced on Oct 15 that the domestic dilution chiller, a crucial component of quantum computers, has successfully been developed in China. This marks the first time a Chinese research and development team has overcom...