A breakdown of the population in China by gender reveals that in 2024 around 30 million more males were living in the country than females.
Births, deaths, and gender Age structure Marriage and divorce Urban and rural population Urban family households The most important statistics Total population of China 1980-2029 Population growth in China 2000-2024 Labor force in China 2000-2023 Population in China in 2023, by region Population den...
In terms of gender, the male population was 719.09 million, and the female population was 689.19 million; the sex ratio of the total population was 104.34 (the female is 100).In terms of age structure, the population aged 16 to 59 was 857.98 million, accounting for 60.9 percent of...
Population aging problem becomes increasingly severe in the process of economic and social development in China. In this paper, urban people's death rates are estimated by age and gender respectively, then the women's birth rates are predicted using Grey- Models. Furthermore, Chinese urban ...
S. (1998). The dynamics of dimensions of age-related disability 1982 to 1994 in the US elderly population, Journals of Gerontology. Biological Sciences & Medical Sciences 53: B59–70. Google Scholar Martin, L. G. (1991). Population aging policies in East Asia and the United States, ...
aToday it is quite common for students of China to consider the hukou, along with gender, age and income, as one of the main variables defining exogenous constraints on individual behaviour in social and economic studies 今天它为与性别、年龄和收入一起考虑hukou,作为其中一主要可变物定义外生限制在...
We study how age identity (measured by the difference between chronological age and perceived old age), influences financial planning among the older population (60+) in China. Using data from three waves of the China Longitudinal Aging Social Survey, we show that individuals who feel younger hav...
Preface Population structure, usually refer to not only the natural structure including factors such as age, gender, but also the social structure formed by marital status, education and other aspects,as well as the economic structure co... YU Leng,M Tian,T Wang - World Agricultural Outlook Co...
age population on growth, the government is now planning to gradually raise the legal retirement ages. However, age-based discrimination is prevalent in China’s workplaces and incurs a huge cost to labor market efficiency. Unless the government takes concrete actions to ad...
Through their own words we examine their experiences and perceptions of unemployment and poverty the coping strategies they deploy and the sources of support on which they rely as well as how their perceptions and experiences are mediated by l gender and age. The interviews demonstrate a range of...