Requirements for Different Types of Permanent Residence Permit Different TypesQualifications for Spouse Reunion spouses of Chinese citizens or of aliens having obtained permanent residence in China, whose marriage has lasted for five years, and who have lived in mainland for five years in a row, the...
Qualifications and requirements for aliens to apply a China Permanent Residence Permit for Spouse Reunion, Seeking Reunion with Parents, Investement, Employment, Outstanding Aliens and Dependants
Foreignerswho have made outstanding contributions to China's economic andsocial development or meet other requirements for permanent residencein China may apply for permanent residence in China. 对中国经济社会发展做出突出贡献或者符合其他在中国境内永久居留条件的外国人,可以申请在中国永久居留。 Foreignersapplyi...
It is only after you have achieved one of the requirements below and lived in China successfully for a certain amount of time that you might be ready to apply for permanent residency. 只有在您达到以下要求之一并在中国成功居住一定时间后,您才能准备申请永久居留权。 If you are trying to become a...
There is no restriction on the period of residence in China. You can enter and exit China with a valid passport and a permanent residence permit for foreigners, and you do not need to go through other formalities such as visa. For the whole family, spouse and children can apply together ...
Permanent residence permits are good for workers who want to become a more permanent part of the Chinese culture. These permits are valid for ten years and can be renewed every ten years. They accompany a D visa. #2 Foreigner Residence Permit This type of residence permit is the most common...
cantraveloutofChineseterritorywithvalidpassportandtheForeigner’sPermanent ResidencePermit. 外国人申请中国永久居留权非指外国人申请加入中国国籍。外国人申请在中国永久居留是指符合 特定条件的外国人可以申请在中国永久居留,即外国人此类申请经批准后其在中国居留的期限将不受 ...
requirements forpermanent residence, which ultimately leads to the failure of theapplication. As a professional organization, SFBC has successfullyassisted many clients in obtaining permanent residence status.Customers who pass our assessment and meet the requirements of theapplication can successfully obtain...
CompleteApplication Form for Permanent Residence in China; Valid passport and valid visa (or resident permit); A health certificate issued by a domestic entry-exit inspection and issued within the last six months; Non-criminal recordabroad and in Chinaof the applicant or the linear relative; ...
To be eligible for the permanent residency card, foreigners must meet a relatively high bar of work and liquidity requirements, which vary from region to region. For more information on this topic, see our articles on applying for a permanent residence card inShanghai,Guangdong, andBeijing. ...