The game, developed by Game Science, draws inspiration from the famous Chinese novel that follows the adventures of a monk and his three disciples, centering on Sun Wukong, or the Monkey King, who is known for his supernatural abilities and mischievous nature. The influence of "Journey to the...
then he was fired this week; China finished their first two games in the AFC Asian Cup with two scoreless draws, but remain hopeful of advancing to the knockout stage; in the middle of the 2023-24 season in Europe, over 200 players left their clubs to participate in the Africa Cup of...
Source: Xinhua Editor: huaxia 2023-12-30 03:06:160:00 /0:00 BEIJING, Dec. 29 (Xinhua) -- As 2023 draws to a close, Xinhua News Agency has curated a selection of top 10 news stories that defined the year in China. Join us as we recap the standout moments of 2023. The opening...
a city 20 km south of Budapest, Hungary, on Nov. 30, 2023. A group of students and teachers were invited to an open day event of the Budapest-Belgrade railway here on Thursday. (China Railway Hungary-
As the year 2024 draws to a close, we would like to extend our sincerest appreciation to the following esteemed reviewers for their invaluable contributions to China Population and Development Studies (CPDS). Call for Papers: Special Issue on Reproductive Health: “Reproductive Health at a Crossroad...
The article reports on the visit of Chinese prime minister Wen Jiabao to seven African nations in June 2006 as a sign of the growing trade among two nations which now atop $21 billion annually. However, China's need to for oil has made business, but sometimes fearsome with smaller-scale ...
TIANJIN, Aug. 29 (Xinhua) -- As a landmark of Tianjin's shopping circle, the iconic blue-and-yellow three-story IKEA store draws many families looking for home design inspiration. IKEA retail store entered north China's Tianjin Municipality in 2012 and opened the second store in 2019. At...
With an optimistic economic outlook for China, as well as strong appeal derived from considerable growth space in China's capital market and the country's ambitions to further open up the capital market, foreign investment is expected to pick up steam in the second half of the year, analysts...
Looking forward to 2023, the 20th Party Congress report draws attention to the Healthy China program which will be accelerated, focusing on reform both on supply and demand sides. There are two major components to this: Extending the scope of medical pricing reform:In late 2022 new bidding rule...
Dr. Roope Halonen. (COURTESY PHOTO) A young Finnish scientist, Dr. Roope Halonen, is one of those who came to Zibo, which draws visitors from all over the world this summer for a mouth-watering distinctive barbecue-style cuisine. "I liked the friendliness and openness of people not only ...