China has decided to end the one-child policy( 政策).Any married couple now are a l to have two children. The decision to allow families to have two children was designed"to improve the balanced development of p2"and to deal with an aging population. As China's population was up to ...
【解析】【答案】A【核心短语/词汇】one-child policy:独生子女政策【翻译】中国“独生子女政策”的结束可以让孩子们有兄弟或姐妹,并使他们不再产生孤独感和恐惧。【解析】本题考查stop to do sth.和stop doing sth.的用法。stop to do sth.意为停止去做某事,表示停止正在做的事,去做另外一件事。而stop doin...
BEIJING — For 22 years, Li Xue has lived as a phantom, banished from mainstream life by China's "one child" policy. And even now that the Communist Party has declared an end to that policy, she said, there appears to be no quick end to the limbo of many children born, like her,...
Debate on loosening the one-child policy The one-child policy, from its initial conception, was not meant to last forever. In an open letter written by the country's leader to unveil the family planning policy in 1980, it wrote, "in 30 years when the problem of the p...
Background to the “One Child Policy” Background to the “One Child Policy” Zhou Enlai Zhou Enlai -- Later, Longer, Fewer Policy in Later, Longer, Fewer Policy in 1970’s (tightened 1970’s (tightened –– “one is not too few”, “two is “one is not too few”, “two is ...
The government in China plans to end its one-child policy(政策) and let families have two children instead. The plan was announced(宣布)on Thursday after high-level political meetings in Beijing. A Chinese Communist Party statement gave a number of reasons for the change in policy. The statem...
ThegovernmentinChinaplanstoenditsone-childpolicy (政策) andletfamilieshavetwochildreninstead.Theplanwasmeanttobalance (平衡) populationdevelopmentandstop a fallingbirthrate (出生率).Chinastartedtheone-childpolicyinthe 1980 s.Butthegovernmentallowedonly a smallnumberofcouplestohavetwochildren.Forexample,some...
"Our clinic has prepared Chinese-speaking staff to coordinate with rising number of Chinese patients," said Superior A.R.T. deputy manager Arnon Sinsawasdi, adding the end of the one-child policy should give business a boost. 苏必利尔试管婴儿医院的副经理阿尔农·信沙瓦迪说:"我们医院已经准备了...
At the end of 2015, China put an end to the one-child policy (OCP), thereby terminating the largest family planning program in human history. For nearly four decades it had shaped relations between generations and between men and women to an extent never before seen. Today, China struggles...
China will allow two children for every couple, state-run Xinhua news agency says, a move that would dismantle the remnants of the country’s one-child policy.