Chief Lawyer Xu Xinming +86-13910160652 About Us Consultation Working Progress more > Forging Sword for Seven Years: Won the Case of the Dispute over Invalidation of the Invention Patent of Yee Fung Handled By Lawyer Xu Xinming Xu Xinming: Can the Trademark Right of...
Search for an Approved Lawyer: Insome cases, certain governments allow lawyers from their country to acts as a notary public in China. If you’re a U.S. citizen, you’re out of luck. However, if you’re Australian for example, they have alist of approved lawyersthat you can use. Che...
This whole mess began when the wife of a Vice-Mayor leaned that her son’s foreign tutor could not remember what city his university was located in and when she had a lawyer inquire with the registrar’s office of Arizona State University was told that the tutor never attended their uni. ...
Tesla is trying to paint Xpeng as a repeat offender that poached engineers in order to gain access to IP, said a Chinese lawyer who spoke to TechNode under the condition of anonymity. Successfully linking the cases could have serious reputational implications for Xpeng. Tesla admits that it ...
Zhong Weida and others, Heilongjiang High Court. J Comp Law 2:492–495 Google Scholar Young A, Li G, Lau A (2007) Corporate governance in China: the role of the state and ideology in shaping reforms. Company Lawyer 28:204–211 Google Scholar Download references...
in defiance of the facts or give false testimony and the provisions used as a “tool” by the prosecution and the court; 周汉基 (Zhou H), 废止危害律师执业权之法条 (Abolishing provisions that jeopordise lawyers right to practise the law)
Although a more in-depth description of a company’s activities are provided in the business scope section of their business license, being able to read a company’s Chinese name can be very useful in some cases, for example when identifying that a company claiming to be a manufacturer is ...
large number of new, inexperienced, and incompetent drivers, including ones who obtained their driver’s license through corruption or other means; drivers whose legal position under the law is less clear; insurance companies are often unwilling to settle, concerned about fraud; and ...
China WFOE formation is not a difficult process if you contact a local lawyer or company formation agent who knows the local regulations and can help you open this type of company in the minimum period allowed by the law. Setting up a WFOE in China means opening an LLC by foreign ...