In addition, major drought/flood events considering severity, persistency, and spatial coverage were also identified. On the centennial time scales, precipitation variation in eastern China exhibited four dry epochs (500s - 870s, 1000s - 1230s, 1430s - 1530s and 1920s - 1990s) and three ...
Lesbianism in China has a long but usually hidden history. This paper examines the historical and literary sources of the past to illustrate the history of lesbianism and then turns to a survey of lesbianism in the China of today. As in the past, lesbianism remains more or less hidden, and...
Li Bingjie of China competes during the Women's 1500m Freestyle Final in the 18th Asian Games in Jakarta, Indonesia, Aug. 19, 2018. (Xinhua/Li Xiang) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next >>| KEY WORDS:Asian Games YOU MAY LIKE Highlights of men's freestyle wrestling at 18th Asian ...
Obliviousness to co-existing heterosexuality and homosexuality undermines tolerance of same-sex attraction in traditional Chinese culture. With the influence of conservative Abrahamic religious values since the 19th century, homoeroticism became unacceptable in China. This qualitative research was carried out ...
Fortunately,China'shistoryhasbeendescribedcountlesstimesinverydetailedwrittenlanguagefromdifferentperspectives,andthecorrespondingfigures,objectsandplacesareleftonthesameland.Thismakeshistorynolongeranabstractandsimplifiedstory,whichmakeshistoryafactthatcanbeanalyzedandstudiedindetail. ...
Q Ge,S Wang,J Zheng 摘要: A temperature series with a 100 year resolution for the last 5000 years in China has been reconstructed by using 31 long-term temperature proxy series selected from recent publications in the last 20 years. The proxy records include pollens, stalagmites, lake-...
in the past 6 months.About sexual behaviors,10.4% of the participants had group sex in the past 6 months,89.7% and 9.0% of the participants had anal sex and commercial sex with men,27.2% had vaginal sex with women in the past 6 months,but the rate of insistent condom use during ...
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China added more than 100 million kilowatts of wind and photovoltaic power capacity in the first half of this year, accounting for 71% of the country's newly installed capacity, according to data released by the National Energy Administration on Wednesday....
Zhang Jian of Hebei competes during the junior men's 1500m A final of speed skating event at the China's 14th National Winter Games in Hulun Buir, north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Feb. 26, 2024. (Xinhua/Chen Xinbo) ...