Unbeknownst to many, China last year emerged as the world's second-largest green bond market amid the country's green transformation, with local companies attaching greater importance to such financial products, a latest industry report has revealed. Up to $68.2 billion worth of green bonds were...
Since its launch in 2016, China’s green bonds market has amassed a significant size and is currently ranked as the second largest in the world. This
However, the green bond market (GBM) is a young and emerging market. Therefore, the aim of this research is to evaluate the governance structure of the Chinese GBM and to investigate whether any qualitative changes might be needed to improve the market. It attempts to answer the question: '...
Kidney said the green bond market was growing and that China was its most significant player. "There has been very strong demand from offshore investors for quality green bonds, and the demands for this Bank of China green bonds from international investors reflects that there is an appetite th...
BEIJING, Feb. 9 (Xinhua) -- China's green bond market is likely to expand in 2022 and for years to come as the country is spurring investment into its pursuit of peaking carbon emissions and reaching carbon neutrality, analysts and industry insiders say. ...
Chinese investments in green bonds more than doubled in the first half of 2021 compared to the same period last year, a report said this week, with clean energy and transport the main beneficiaries. A Carbon Pulse subscription is required to read this content. Subscribe today to access our ...
Within the financial system, the bond market is primarily responsible for providing medium and long-term funding. So the bond markets are the most suitable for rural upliftment projects," Zhu said. In recent years, the central government and other departments have unveiled a series o...
This paper provides the first evidence of the debt and stock market reaction to corporate green bond issuance in the simultaneously largest developing economy and largest emerging debt market, China. Utilizing a most comprehensive sample of Chinese green bonds, we document a pricing premium of corpora...
China last year emerged as the world's second-largest green bond market amid the country's green transformation, with local companies attaching greater importance to such financial products, according to a report jointly released by international organisation Climate Bonds Initiative and China Central De...
China 30 Years Bond - PricesPrice Simulation: bonds with a face value of 100, with different coupon rates. The highlighted column contains prices at the current market yield. Other columns refers to hypothetical yields variations (100 bp = 1%). ...