Geological Survey of China Rock and Mineral Analysis DRILLING ENGINEERING Conservation and Utilization of Mineral Resources Multipurpose Utilization of Mineral Resources MORE > 主编推荐 Recommended by the Chief Editor 填图 桂东—粤西成矿带 天然气
Geological characteristics and analysis of ore potential of China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor[J]. Geological Bulletin of China, 2020, 39(2-3): 365-386. Citation: ZHANG Fuxiang, ZHAO Sha, WANG Fengxiang, LIU Cheng, NIE Fengjun, ZHAO Yuanyi. Geological characteristics and analysis of ore ...
China Geology is co-sponsored by the China Geological Survey (CGS) and the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences (CAGS). The journal is published quarterly by China Geology Editorial Office. China Geology aims to be an innovative, high-impact and authoritative academic journal for researchers … ...
By incorporating these state-of-the-art deep learning algorithms, this study aims to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of detecting sequential and temporal patterns in geological data analysis. This approach allows for more precise identification of trends and patterns in time-dependent sediment ...
CMA-CUG Centre for Severe Weather and Climate and Hydro‐geological hazards CMA-HHU Hydro-Meteorology Key Laboratory CMA-NJU Joint Center for Atmospheric Radar Research CMA-NJU Joint Laboratory for Climate Prediction Studies CMA‐Fudan Joint Laboratory of Marine Meteorology CMA‐GDOU ...
3. Geological characteristics of shale gas in China 4. Progress in shale gas exploration and development in China over the past five years 5. Research progress in shale gas geologic theory in China 6. Shale gas exploration directions in China 7. Conclusion CRediT authorship contribution statement ...
we will strive to gather the most fundamental data whenever exploring a new location. However, in the case of the moon, humanity has only obtained samples from a handful of sites, with none from high-latitude regions or the far side. Therefore, from a geological perspective, the moon remains...
et al. Depositional age and provenance analysis of the Wufoshan Group in the southern North China Craton: Constraints from detrital zircon U–Pb geochronology and Hf isotopes. Geological Journal, 2021, 56(11): 5600-5620. DOI:10.1002/gj.4261 28. Liu, X., Zhang, J., Yin, C. et al. ...
geological mapping of overburden area/ Late Cenozoic/ tectonic-sedimentary-climatic event/ water system evolution/ 0. 引言 进入新时期,生态文明建设与生态环境保护成为国家目标,国家对区域地质工作提出新的要求. 根据国内外区域地质调查本身发展状况与水平[1-4],我国区域地质调查工作的重点转向大面积覆盖区为主的...
The geological circle has been studying the South China Ocean for 40 years. Based on the existing studies, the geological features of the middle Neogene South China Ocean and related geological structures and mineralization issues have been further understood through the topics of Regional Geology of...