The graph shows per capita gross domestic product (GDP) in China until 2023, with forecasts until 2029. In 2023, per capita GDP reached around 12,600 U.S. dollars in China. That year, the overall GDP of China had amounted to 17.8 trillion U.S. dollars. Per capita GDP in China Gros...
Macau SAR (China) GDP Per Capita reached 32,418.334 USD in Dec 2022, compared with 44,095.165 USD in Dec 2021.
The stagnation of China's GDP in U.S. dollar terms in 2022 and 2023 was mainly due to the appreciation of the U.S. dollar. China's real GDP growth was three percent in 2022 and 5.2 percent in 2023. In 2023, per capita GDP in China reached around 12,600 U.S. dollars. Economic...
DataTalk|China reports 5% GDP growth in 2024 According to the National Bureau of Statistics, China's gross domestic product expanded by 5 percent in 2024, and the country's annual GDP came in at 134.9 trillion yuan ($18.4 trillion) in 2024.In 2024, China’s newborn population reached ...
GDP, current U.S. dollars 17,794.78 2023 billion U.S. dollars GDP per capita, current dollars 12,614.06 2023 U.S. dollars GDP per capita, PPP 22,138 2023 U.S. dollars GDP per capita, constant dollars 12,174.00 2023 U.S. dollars Economic growth, quarterly 5.40 Q4/2024 percent Economi...
"China's per capita GDP is around $13,000, which is similar to South Korea's level in the 1990s. That means there's a huge amount of development space," he said. Quan said given that China's GDP is 126 trillion yuan ($17.5 trillion), double-digit growth seen in the past may not...
Per capita disposable income reached 41,314 yuan ($5638.37), up 5.3% year on year in nominal terms in 2024. Retail sales of consumer goods in 2024 amounted to 48.79 trillion yuan (about $6.79 trillion), growing by 3.5% for the year. 国家统计局17日公布数据显示,初步核算,2024年全年国内...
GDP&GDPpercapita ❖GDP:themarketvalueofallfinalgoodsandservicesproducedinacountryduringaperiodoftime.❖GDPpercapita:totalGDPisdividedbytheresidentpopulationonagivendate.Significance ❖ComparativeAdvantage❖DemandforMoreHigh-qualityLife❖ConflictofInterest❖DesireforPoliticalInvolvement ComparativeAdvantage ❖...
GDP 首字母 省区 19.03 B 北京 17.99 S 上海 14.44 J 江苏 12.68 F 福建 11.92 T 天津 11.85 Z 浙江 10.19 G 广东 9.65 N 内蒙古 GDP 首字母 省区 9.21 H 湖北 9.07 C 重庆 8.60 S 山东 8.29 S 陕西 7.37 S 山西 7.36 A 安徽 7.36