由Aedas设计的中洲湾 C FutureCity 是迄今为止深圳市中心最大的城市改造与更新项目,它所在的福田区上沙村八年前还是个街道狭窄、楼群拥挤、人口密度极高的城中村,如今已可以窥见它2023年竣工完成后美丽便捷的未来新城市模样,而这也将是提升上沙村经济价值与城市定位的开始。 项目施工现场实景 由于体量过大,项目分为...
The article presents a case study on the Chinese city of Tianjin, the country's first 'Eco-City,' describing the efficiency of the city at mitigating pollution and environmental degradation. Topics include the collaboration between the China and Singapore in the creation of the Tianjin project, ...
Urban landscape of China's "city of future" takes shape 7 years into construction XIONG'AN, Hebei, April 1 (Xinhua) -- In spring, self-driving electric busesplystreets withgreenery-shroudedbuildings on both sides in Xio...
在深圳中洲湾C Future City二楼,带有天然质感的白色石子铺就了一方浮屿,曲径通幽,杰出青年艺术家的创造力在此间聚合。艺术家周力作品《桃花源-花园》之十二、邬建安作品《星首》亦于现场展陈,以创造力之名,...
A new city center Shenzhen has proven such a success that it’s now faced with a problem unimaginable to its original planners: A lack of space. One source of new land has been found by building onto what was once the sea. Through extensive land reclamation, the waterfront at the city’...
XIONG'AN, Hebei Province, April 2 (Xinhua) -- As Xiong'an, China's "city of the future," swiftly erects new apartments, schools and hospitals, a lesser-known effort is unfolding in tandem: the preservation of historical artifacts, ranging from revered trees and weathered bricks to traditiona...
项目名称:邛崃迴澜塔一岛两岸 Qionglai Future City 建筑设计:上海骏地建筑设计事务所股份有限公司 Shanghai JUND Architects Co., Ltd. 业主:邛崃市天际山水文化旅游投资集团有限公司 Qionglai City Lanshanshui Cultural Tourism Investment Group Co., Ltd. 地址:中国 China 56 获奖类别:总体规划设计 - 未来项目 ...
3."Cyberpunk" urban style satisfies people's fantasy of the future city. 三 人间水墨画:阳朔 Human ink painting: Yangshuo 1. 拥有世界上最完美、最典型、最集中的岩溶地貌,风景优美犹如中国水墨画一样。 2. 有遇龙河、十...
The country has also vowed to build Xiong'an, dubbed the "city of the future," into an innovative, green, smart and world-class city with blue skies, fresh air and clean water, in line with the country's high-quality development path. (Xinhua/Mu Yu) ...
项目名称:C FutureCity Phase I 获奖者:Aedas 地址:中国深圳 China, Shenzhen 15 项目名称:菜鸟网络总部 CaiNiao Headquarters 获奖者:Aedas 地址:中国杭州 China, Hangzhou 16 项目名称:重庆高科太阳座 Chongqing Gaoke Group Ltd. Office Project 获奖者:Aedas ...