8. China and the EU are actively working towards signing the China-EU Civil Aviation Safety Agreement and the Agreement on Certain Aspects of Air Services as soon as possible. China and the EU welcome the holding of the 8th China-EU Energy Dialogue and signing of the Joint Statement on the...
BEIJING, April 10 (Xinhua) -- A recent joint statement issued by a China-EU leaders' meeting demonstrates the commitment of both two sides to solidarity and cooperation in the face of challenges to multilateralism, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said at a press briefing Wednesday. The 2...
We agree that co-operation between China and the UK has increased significantly since our last meeting in July 2003. We look forward to continuing high level dialogue at the China-EU Summits in 2004 and 2005, the latter in Beijing under the UK Presidency of the EU, and also at the summ...
(英汉对照) China-U.S. j oint statement 2011 中美联合声明 (英汉对照 ) China-U. S. joint statement 2 011 中美联合 声明(英汉 对照) China -U.S. joi nt statement (2011 -01-2 1 22:06 :03)转载标签 : 杂谈 中美 联合声明二 0 一一年一月十 九日, 华盛顿 1. 应美利坚 合众国总统贝 ...
声明jointstatement联合美方对照 中美联合声明(英汉对照)China-U.S.jointstatement2011中美联合声明二0一一年一月十九日,华盛顿1.应美利坚合众国总统贝拉克·奥巴马邀请,中华人民共和国主席***于二0一一年一月十八日至二十一日对美国进行国事访问。访问期间,***会见了美国副总统约瑟夫·拜登,将会见美国国会领导人,并访问...
中美联合声明(英汉对照) China-U.S. joint statement (2011-01-21 22:06:03)转载标签 杂谈 中美联合声明 二 0 一一年一月十九日 华盛顿 1 应美利坚合众国总统贝拉克·奥巴马邀请 中华人民共和国主席胡锦涛于二 0 一一年一月十八日至二十一日对美国进行国事访问。 访问期间 胡主席会见了美国副总统约瑟夫· 拜登...
声明美方jointstatement国防部重申 联联联联中美合声明(联联联英照)China-U.S.jointstatement2011联联联联中美合声明二0联联联一一年一月十九日,盛1联联联联联联联联联联联联.美利合众国拉克·联联联联联联联联联联联联联联联联联联奥巴邀,中人民共和国主席胡涛于二0一一年一联联联联联联联联联联联联联联联联联联联联联联联联...
China-EU Joint Statement 下载积分:700 内容提示: CBhriunsas-eElUsC,hBirnuas-sEeUlCsh,iBnrau-sEsUeClhsi,nBar-uEsUsJeolisn,tJJaoniunatrJyoJianntuJaoriynJtaSntuaatreymJeanntuSatrayt3e0m,e3n0t,S3t0a,t3e0m,e2n0t0S9t2a0t0e9m2e0n0t92009A tPvstriuhescemiciitenetsvrosiWtftehuaneltJHliieyoaapn...
On Equal Terms: Redefining China's Relationship with America and the WestChina-U.S Joint Statement. Xinhuanet . 2011U,S.一ChinaJointStatement[EB/OL].(2009-11-17)[2015-11-20][美国]白宫门户网站,http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/us-china-joint-statement....
中华人民共和国与美利坚合众国联合声明(Joint statement of People's Republic of China and United States of America) 中华人民共和国与美利坚合众国联合声明(Joint statement of People's Republic of China and United States of America) In, January 19th, Washington 1. at the invitation of President Barack...