中国能效标识(CHINA ENERGY LABEL)是一个用来表示产品能源效率等级和能耗量的标识,它通常贴在用能产品的明显部位,帮助消费者快速了解产品的能效情况。至于“生产者”这一角色,在中国能效标识体系中,生产者是指制造或组装用能产品,并在其产品上或包装物上、说明书中使用中国能效标识的企业或单位。 生产者需要对其标注...
CEL-China Energy Label Go The energy efficiency label, is an information label attached to energy-consuming product or its minimum package, indicating the performance index of the product’s energy efficiency rating. The purpose is to provide necessary information for consumers to choose energy ...
必应词典为您提供CHINA-ENERGY-LABEL的释义,网络释义: 中国能效标识;中国电冰箱;中国能源效率标识;
中国能效标识中国能效标识CHINA ENERGY LABELCHINA ENERGY LABEL生产者名称广州松下空调器公司生产者名称广州松下空调公司格型号KFR-36GW/ND1规格型号KFR-38GW/ND1耗能低耗能低22耗能高3耗能高3能效比3.21能效比3.21输入功率(W)制冷量(W)A1000输入功率(W)12303600制冷量(W)B3600第9题图9.如图所示是空调的“中国...
请观赏图片,并阅读下面材料,回答以下问题。〔16分〕中国能效标识CHINA ENERGY LABEL生产者名称名称规格型号AAA-000耗能低122耗能高3初始光效(lm/W)00标称功率(W)00色调AA利用电脑工作学习Interbet利用DVD娱乐休闲利用网络购物网络远程教育列举你所知道的新产品,畅谈计算机、DVD和网络等高科技产品对我们生活的影响。
Cisema can support the CEL registration for electronic devices ✓Energy efficiency standards compliance ✓Home appliances ✓Electric motors
China Energy Label (CEL) is an energy consumption label for products in the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Manufacturers of specified electronic devices are obligated to attach a CEL label to their goods to inform China-based consumers of the product’s energy efficiency. ...
China Energy Label (CEL) is an energy consumption label for products in the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Manufacturers of specified electronic devices are obligated to attach a CEL label to their goods to inform China-based consumers of the product’s energy efficiency. ...
China Energy LabelChina is one of the world's largest producers and consumers of energy-using products. The rapid growth in ownership of energy-using products has brought with it huge energy consumption and increased pressure on the living environment. By implementing energy efficiency standards for...
中国能效标识中国能效标识渽滶歵唝歵坋歵敧歵唝磝歵歵煑歵煑歵磝歵磝歵歵堹㫃堹㫃㫃琡㫃璂偵埭㫃椱椱㫃CHINA ENERGY LABEL生产者名称广州下空请公生产者名称立州松下空调公司格型KFR-16GW/ND1规格型号KFR-36GW/ND1耗能低耗能低222耗能高3耗能高3能效比3.21能效比3.21输人功率(W)A1000输人功率(...